9.1.20. 15–64 years old employees by administrative classification of residence, gender and whether they are a member of a trade union or not, quarter 2, 2015

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The administrative classification of residence Member Not member Cannot say Total Member Not member Cannot say Total
of a trade union of a trade union
persons %
Budapest 45 892 599 659 9 375 654 926 7.0 91.6 1.4 100.0
Town with county rights 100 714 579 315 23 938 703 967 14.3 82.3 3.4 100.0
Other towns 95 259 950 846 20 193 1 066 298 8.9 89.2 1.9 100.0
All towns 241 865 2 129 820 53 506 2 425 191 10.0 87.8 2.2 100.0
Village 86 964 1 101 235 23 364 1 211 563 7.2 90.9 1.9 100.0
Total 328 829 3 231 055 76 870 3 636 754 9.0 88.8 2.1 100.0
Budapest 22 793 308 979 5 485 337 257 6.8 91.6 1.6 100.0
Town with county rights 51 264 291 732 10 111 353 107 14.5 82.6 2.9 100.0
Other towns 49 037 497 561 11 932 558 530 8.8 89.1 2.1 100.0
All towns 123 094 1 098 272 27 528 1 248 894 9.9 87.9 2.2 100.0
Village 45 725 609 779 14 400 669 904 6.8 91.0 2.1 100.0
Total 168 819 1 708 051 41 928 1 918 798 8.8 89.0 2.2 100.0
Budapest 23 099 290 680 3 890 317 669 7.3 91.5 1.2 100.0
Town with county rights 49 450 287 583 13 827 350 860 14.1 82.0 3.9 100.0
Other towns 46 222 453 285 8 261 507 768 9.1 89.3 1.6 100.0
All towns 118 771 1 031 548 25 978 1 176 297 10.1 87.7 2.2 100.0
Village 41 239 491 456 8 964 541 659 7.6 90.7 1.7 100.0
Total 160 010 1 523 004 34 942 1 717 956 9.3 88.7 2.0 100.0

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011