3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(4/10)

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Expenditures 2018
J–Jl J–Au J–S J–O J–N J–D
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 251 398 273 697 289 669 336 040 361 518 381 606
Support to the public media 41 572 47 511 53 450 59 389 65 328 71 263
Consumer price subsidy 54 282 60 514 66 356 74 510 82 675 90 371
Housing subsidy 98 067 121 695 132 711 149 565 173 229 193 158
Family benefits 238 595 302 828 303 292 367 111 370 277 401 418
Provisions under age limit 53 551 61 965 69 505 77 047 85 255 92 857
Income supplement benefits 73 523 86 126 92 997 105 424 112 629 121 986
Other specific subsidies 13 372 15 282 17 193 19 989 21 899 25 084
Family benefits, social allowances 379 041 466 202 482 987 569 570 590 060 641 344
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 6 118 475 6 817 615 7 575 259 8 500 364 9 258 007 10 387 431
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 31 016 36 156 41 100 47 985 52 884 92 533
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 348 186 397 923 447 659 497 394 547 131 591 587
Transfer to local governments 408 285 482 456 554 052 619 214 681 951 746 840
Transfers to general government subsectors 787 488 916 535 1 042 810 1 164 593 1 281 966 1 430 959
Interest expenditures 547 304 600 973 673 839 833 773 990 808 1 048 362
Transfer to social self-organizing units 8 932 8 935 8 929 9 736 9 734 9 737
Extraordinary government expenditures 1 664 1 890 2 113 2 333 2 550 2 767
Redeemed government guarantees 8 646 8 913 9 740 11 288 11 957 12 491
Other expenditures 57 314 61 132 72 988 85 298 89 126 93 309
Reserve for extra governmental measures
Special reserve
Economic Protection Programmes
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control
National reserve
Fund for Investment Preparation
Contribution to the EU-budget 181 534 207 611 235 396 262 334 289 211 316 470
Expenditures related to state property 118 434 122 948 130 768 156 151 184 158 283 493
Total expenditures 8 654 150 9 716 173 10 777 016 12 214 945 13 390 326 14 962 760
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011