3.7.4. Central government expenditures*(2/10)

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Expenditures 2017
J–Jl J–Au J–S J–O J–N J–D
million HUF
Special and normative subsidies 206 208 240 300 266 411 283 167 317 497 326 287
Support to the public media 40 915 46 760 52 605 58 458 64 312 70 165
Consumer price subsidy 56 133 62 647 68 639 77 226 85 725 94 501
Housing subsidy 89 889 116 922 122 241 139 717 168 453 184 651
Family benefits 242 468 311 133 311 628 344 798 379 229 405 276
Provisions under age limit 54 947 62 776 70 596 78 309 86 622 94 712
Income supplement benefits 75 211 88 210 95 300 105 184 115 891 124 697
Other specific subsidies 13 797 15 767 17 738 19 819 21 790 26 796
Family benefits, social allowances 386 422 477 887 495 262 548 110 603 533 651 480
Central budgetary institutions and chapter-administered appropriations 5 020 388 5 811 196 6 635 280 7 418 783 8 348 816 10 329 601
Transfer to extrabudgetary funds 23 688 27 423 31 123 36 651 40 876 84 951
Guarantee and contribution to social security funds' expenditures 263 969 335 961 407 947 479 935 551 927 623 920
Transfer to local governments 379 471 457 098 507 644 577 674 631 847 700 467
Transfers to general government subsectors 667 128 820 483 946 715 1 094 260 1 224 651 1 409 338
Interest expenditures 660 664 710 154 769 544 890 657 1 052 638 1 091 163
Transfer to social self-organizing units 2 854 2 854 2 854 3 807 3 807 3 807
Extraordinary government expenditures 1 855 2 109 2 372 2 620 2 867 3 113
Redeemed government guarantees 10 814 11 679 14 846 15 993 16 637 17 915
Other expenditures 60 755 74 223 84 832 88 261 101 547 106 566
Reserve for extra governmental measures
Special reserve
Economic Protection Programmes
Central Reserve for Epidemic Control
National reserve
Fund for Investment Preparation
Contribution to the EU-budget 155 381 169 207 191 711 214 942 237 446 260 395
Expenditures related to state property 171 805 193 422 241 299 284 872 329 489 442 617
Total expenditures 7 531 213 8 739 843 9 894 610 11 120 872 12 557 417 14 991 599
*Source: Hungarian State Treasury. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011