9.9.7. Employed persons who live in Budapest or in another town with county rights and who commute at least on a weekly basis, and use typically public transport to get to their workplace by which means of public transport they tipically use*

< >
Denomination Bus, trolleybus Tram Underground Suburban railway
Total 496 375 197 233 149 338 25 677
Of which:
Male 190 382 80 721 60 703 11 495
Female 305 992 116 511 88 634 14 182
age group
15–24 39 795 12 843 10 380 2 074
25–39 176 841 87 106 71 174 10 380
40–54 205 885 68 841 50 094 10 654
55–64 73 854 28 443 17 689 2 569
educational attainment
Primary school 41 008 14 196 6 335 2 323
Secondary school
without G.C.E. 90 304 21 806 12 410 4 554
with G.C.E. 199 393 69 009 52 051 8 151
College, university, PhD, DLA 165 669 92 222 78 543 10 649
type of settlement
Capital 302 269 178 936 144 961 25 677
Town with county rights 191 762 17 435 1 792
Other town 2 343 862 2 585
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 905
B–F Industry 105 633 27 290 16 394 5 552
G–U Services 389 837 169 943 132 944 20 125
Non-manual workers 264 813 126 438 109 291 15 172
Manual workersa 231 561 70 794 40 047 10 504
type of employment
Employee 483 920 190 725 143 915 25 086
Not employee 12 454 6 508 5 423 591
Central Hungary 304 612 179 798 147 546 25 677
Central Transdanubia 24 066 188 453
Western Transdanubia 30 549
Southern Transdanubia 25 342 1 005 629
Northern Hungary 38 442 11 273 709
Northern Great Plain 46 561 1 810
Southern Great Plain 26 802 3 159
*Source: Labour force survey  aIncluding armed forces. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011