9.9.3.Commuting employed persons by whether their residence and workplace are located in the same settlement*

< >
Denomination Yes No Total
place of residence is not located in Budapest place of residence is in Budapest, workplace is in the same district place of residence is in Budapest, workplace is in another district
Total 1 746 659 173 556 458 454 1 485 264 3 863 933
Of which:
Male 834 973 75 699 242 263 897 739 2 050 674
Female 911 686 97 858 216 191 587 525 1 813 260
age group
15–24 109 321 7 929 26 577 136 193 280 020
25–39 570 198 54 795 187 270 535 382 1 347 645
40–54 755 238 82 483 183 026 616 062 1 636 809
55–64 311 902 28 350 61 582 197 627 599 461
educational attainment
Primary school 248 047 13 415 21 692 174 049 457 203
Secondary school
without G.C.E. 524 329 28 094 50 917 483 949 1 087 289
with G.C.E. 572 142 73 526 163 649 498 992 1 308 309
College, university, PhD, DLA 402 141 58 522 222 196 328 275 1 011 134
type of settlement
Capital 173 556 458 454 54 240 686 250
Town with county rights 627 866 91 311 719 177
Other town 688 724 476 767 1 165 491
Village 430 068 862 946 1 293 014
type of workplace
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 101 875 64 882 166 757
B–F Industry 479 547 34 283 72 550 655 167 1 241 547
G–U Services 1 165 237 139 273 385 904 765 215 2 455 629
Non-manual workers 699 672 90 292 307 495 568 302 1 665 761
Manual workersa 1 046 988 83 264 150 958 916 962 2 198 172
type of employment
Employee 1 624 125 149 953 423 083 1 434 751 3 631 912
Not employee 122 534 23 603 35 371 50 513 232 021
Central Hungary 185 487 173 556 458 454 376 866 1 194 363
Central Transdanubia 208 687 240 009 448 696
Western Transdanubia 204 438 202 844 407 282
Southern Transdanubia 181 804 134 678 316 482
Northern Hungary 230 079 210 524 440 603
Northern Great Plain 393 623 184 253 577 876
Southern Great Plain 342 541 136 088 478 629
*Source: Labour force survey  aIncluding armed forces. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2011