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9.55. Number of male non-family labour regularly employed by working time, region and group of legal forms, 2007 – Private holdings –
Territorial unit Working time Total
≤ 55 56–112 113–168 169–224 225 ≤
Central Hungary 17 49 46 54 270 436
Central Transdanubia 11 883 13 20 166 1 093
Western Transdanubia 0 7 182 193 238 620
Southern Transdanubia 6 7 195 8 2 181 2 397
Transdanubia 17 896 390 222 2 585 4 110
Northern Hungary 118 184 72 1 475 1 828 3 678
Northern Great Plain 276 55 52 195 417 995
Southern Great Plain 97 91 172 157 3 283 3 800
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 491 330 296 1 828 5 528 8 473
Total 525 1 275 732 2 104 8 383 13 019

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008