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9.41. Number of non-family labour regularly employed by working time and region, 2007 – Agricultural holdings, total –
Territorial unit Working time Total
≤ 55 56–112 113–168 169–224 225 ≤
Central Hungary 356 380 446 1 089 4 889 7 160
Central Transdanubia 692 1 397 586 2 048 6 484 11 207
Western Transdanubia 685 440 752 2 039 6 240 10 156
Southern Transdanubia 861 562 967 2 640 11 063 16 094
Transdanubia 2 238 2 399 2 305 6 728 23 787 37 457
Northern Hungary 763 653 666 3 021 6 759 11 862
Northern Great Plain 1 073 867 1 153 3 683 11 350 18 127
Southern Great Plain 1 094 1 050 1 498 4 238 15 016 22 896
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 2 930 2 570 3 317 10 942 33 125 52 884
Total 5 524 5 349 6 068 18 759 61 802 97 501

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008