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9.39. Number of non-family labour regularly employed by sex, region and group of legal forms, 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
female male total female male total female male total
number of temporary employees
Central Hungary 1 805 4 816 6 621 103 436 539 1 908 5 252 7 160
Central Transdanubia 2 546 7 505 10 051 63 1 093 1 156 2 609 8 598 11 207
Western Transdanubia 1 987 7 481 9 468 68 620 688 2 055 8 101 10 156
Southern Transdanubia 2 856 10 798 13 654 43 2 397 2 440 2 899 13 195 16 094
Transdanubia 7 389 25 784 33 173 174 4 110 4 284 7 563 29 894 37 457
Northern Hungary 1 902 6 027 7 929 255 3 678 3 933 2 157 9 705 11 862
Northern Great Plain 3 135 13 871 17 006 126 995 1 121 3 261 14 866 18 127
Southern Great Plain 4 504 13 993 18 497 599 3 800 4 399 5 103 17 793 22 896
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 9 541 33 891 43 432 979 8 473 9 452 10 520 42 364 52 884
Total 18 735 64 491 83 226 1 256 13 019 14 275 19 991 77 510 97 501

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008