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9.9. Number of female private holders by agricultural training and region, 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural training Total
none only practical
basic level secondary university
Central Hungary 2 442 12 760 502 233 114 16 051
Central Transdanubia 2 068 8 881 204 393 84 11 629
Western Transdanubia 1 139 11 679 110 247 40 13 214
Southern Transdanubia 2 170 14 527 390 416 120 17 623
Transdanubia 5 376 35 088 704 1 055 243 42 466
Northern Hungary 4 307 15 278 302 294 84 20 265
Northern Great Plain 3 136 28 872 1 131 471 116 33 726
Southern Great Plain 4 468 25 064 1 054 1 011 278 31 876
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 11 911 69 214 2 487 1 776 479 85 867
Total 19 729 117 061 3 693 3 065 836 144 384

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008