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8.12. Livestock by species, region and group of legal forms, 1st December 2007 – Private holdings –
Territorial unit Cattle Of which: Sheep Of which:
Goats Pigs Of which:
Broilers Laying
Cows of which:
Dairy cows
Central Hungary 11 621 5 782 4 384 53 934 42 729 4 884 76 360 3 683 90 745 865 827
Central Transdanubia 20 396 9 621 5 567 69 643 57 699 5 160 102 069 6 169 63 916 686 332
Western Transdanubia 29 611 10 111 8 740 18 367 15 127 4 739 136 581 9 192 448 335 873 157
Southern Transdanubia 18 495 7 541 5 579 95 944 75 862 6 438 147 039 9 331 114 943 1 103 634
Transdanubia 68 502 27 273 19 886 183 954 148 688 16 337 385 689 24 692 627 194 2 663 123
Northern Hungary 22 568 12 940 8 503 77 380 60 808 9 283 77 790 3 035 12 949 915 748
Northern Great Plain 59 883 26 445 20 385 485 772 402 758 17 917 278 969 16 808 190 749 2 214 967
Southern Great Plain 57 253 24 452 19 399 258 305 196 560 15 978 448 381 29 815 37 258 1 532 545
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 139 704 63 837 48 287 821 457 660 126 43 178 805 140 49 658 240 956 4 663 260
Total 219 827 96 892 72 557 1 059 345 851 543 64 399 1 267 189 78 033 958 895 8 192 210

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008