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8.117. Livestock per 100 hectares of agricultural area by animal species, region and group of legal forms, 1st December 2007 – Private holdings – 1/2
Territorial unit Cattle Cows Pigs Breeding
Horses Sheep
Central Hungary 9 5 60 3 3 43
Central Transdanubia 10 5 51 3 4 35
Western Transdanubia 16 5 72 5 3 10
Southern Transdanubia 8 3 61 4 3 40
Transdanubia 11 4 61 4 3 29
Northern Hungary 10 6 36 1 2 36
Northern Great Plain 11 5 52 3 2 91
Southern Great Plain 11 5 84 6 2 48
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 11 5 63 4 2 64
Total 11 5 62 4 3 52

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008