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8.11. Livestock by species, region and group of legal forms, 1st December 2007 – Agricultural enterprises –
Territorial unit Cattle Of which: Sheep Of which:
Goats Pigs Of which:
Broilers Laying
Cows of which:
Dairy cows
Central Hungary 50 192 18 525 15 107 18 554 14 918 701 113 352 9 231 316 688 328 234
Central Transdanubia 69 310 33 427 29 435 37 195 28 148 489 290 955 19 684 959 944 1 678 010
Western Transdanubia 77 952 35 398 30 690 11 049 7 340 602 155 305 12 017 351 053 443 963
Southern Transdanubia 63 245 30 826 26 246 7 385 5 390 26 570 700 35 832 1 465 735 116 062
Transdanubia 210 507 99 651 86 371 55 629 40 878 1 117 1 016 960 67 533 2 776 732 2 238 035
Northern Hungary 38 243 18 701 13 411 11 138 8 415 82 123 429 10 163 587 446 465 775
Northern Great Plain 104 525 48 940 41 916 59 781 44 957 369 711 980 49 247 3 684 484 656 278
Southern Great Plain 81 783 39 660 36 757 27 558 16 075 603 638 237 45 122 1 451 376 763 311
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 224 551 107 301 92 084 98 477 69 447 1 054 1 473 646 104 532 5 723 306 1 885 364
Total 485 250 225 477 193 562 172 660 125 243 2 872 2 603 958 181 296 8 816 726 4 451 633

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008