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7.22. Area treated with chemical fertilizers by land use category, region and group of legal forms, 2007 – Agricultural enterprises –
Territorial unit Land use categories
arable land orchard vineyard grassland
Central Hungary 111 409 1 329 1 309 544
Central Transdanubia 220 603 652 26 1 129
Western Transdanubia 214 674 1 003 90 1 433
Southern Transdanubia 336 034 1 053 1 076 827
Transdanubia 771 311 2 708 1 192 3 389
Northern Hungary 155 056 1 882 300 137
Northern Great Plain 269 052 3 213 25 592
Southern Great Plain 324 752 1 587 249 183
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 748 860 6 682 574 912
Total 1 631 580 10 719 3 075 4 845

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008