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7.6. Number of holdings applying chemical fertilizers by land use category and region, 2007 – Agricultural holdings, total –
Territorial unit Land use categories
arable land orchard vineyard grassland
Central Hungary 8 900 887 980 76
Central Transdanubia 13 207 641 4 807 174
Western Transdanubia 20 547 1 352 5 842 190
Southern Transdanubia 28 024 1 824 5 250 175
Transdanubia 61 778 3 817 15 899 539
Northern Hungary 12 837 3 558 3 979 25
Northern Great Plain 59 240 14 340 1 810 317
Southern Great Plain 42 416 2 669 4 945 270
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 114 493 20 567 10 734 612
Total 185 171 25 271 27 613 1 227

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008