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5.2. Number of holdings with fruit and berry plantation by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 6 666 5 417 6 017 2 670 1 066 1 225 9 336 6 483 7 242
Central Transdanubia 4 917 4 754 4 553 1 759 765 615 6 676 5 519 5 168
Western Transdanubia 12 575 9 255 7 286 7 790 2 865 1 894 20 365 12 120 9 180
Southern Transdanubia 9 452 6 649 5 613 6 680 2 408 1 777 16 132 9 057 7 390
Transdanubia 26 944 20 658 17 452 16 229 6 038 4 286 43 173 26 696 21 738
Northern Hungary 16 108 15 263 12 804 8 644 3 837 2 502 24 752 19 100 15 306
Northern Great Plain 24 615 29 202 25 323 19 476 14 630 10 812 44 091 43 832 36 135
Southern Great Plain 9 022 8 008 6 462 7 628 5 740 4 017 16 650 13 748 10 479
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 49 745 52 473 44 589 35 748 24 207 17 331 85 493 76 680 61 920
Total 83 355 78 548 68 058 54 647 31 311 22 842 138 002 109 859 90 900
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008