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4.2. Number of holdings with vegetable production by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 4 266 1 709 1 559 3 099 1 202 668 7 365 2 911 2 227
Central Transdanubia 847 325 230 649 227 141 1 496 552 371
Western Transdanubia 3 325 763 444 4 430 430 303 7 755 1 193 747
Southern Transdanubia 1 210 474 266 1 281 199 140 2 491 673 406
Transdanubia 5 382 1 562 940 6 360 856 584 11 742 2 418 1 524
Northern Hungary 3 757 1 356 967 2 995 469 255 6 752 1 825 1 222
Northern Great Plain 6 681 4 219 4 129 9 867 3 620 2 934 16 548 7 839 7 063
Southern Great Plain 7 254 7 337 5 864 11 461 7 611 5 864 18 715 14 948 11 728
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 17 692 12 912 10 960 24 323 11 700 9 053 42 015 24 612 20 013
Total 27 340 16 183 13 459 33 782 13 758 10 305 61 122 29 941 23 764
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008