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3.14. Harvested area, harvested production and average yield of field crops by type of farming, 2007 – Mixed farming –
Territorial unit Harvested area,
Harvested production,
Average yield,
Cereals 1 163 360 3 933 208
Wheat (including durum wheat) 442 324 1 495 813 3 380
Meslin 32 155 4 840
Maize 461 510 1 743 252 3 780
Rice 1 064 4 326 4 070
Barley 143 841 443 586 3 080
Rye 16 124 31 664 1 960
Oats 26 899 47 368 1 760
Triticale 64 109 156 602 2 440
Other cereals (millet, buckwheat, sorghum, canary seed, Indian rice) 7 457 10 442
Potatoes 7 696 123 277 15 500
Dried pulses 8 644 19 602
Bean 208 185 890
Peas 8 079 18 919 2 340
of which:
for human consumption 3 895 9 798 2 520
for fodder 4 184 9 121 2 180
Broad bean 88 237 2 690
Lupin 268 251 940
Other dried pulses 1 10
Industrial plants 297 602 1 283 822
Soya-bean 13 255 23 724 1 790
Sunflower seed 169 519 351 426 2 070
Rape seed 88 081 188 223 2 140
Linseed 684 714 1 040
Poppy seed 1 150 687 600
Tobacco leaves 1 207 1 918 1 590
Sugar-beet 17 028 705 503 41 430
Hemp for fibre
Other industrial plants 6 678 11 627 1 740
Fodder plants 205 853 2 089 455 -
Silage maize and green maize 79 647 1 515 764 19 030
Mixed green fodder harvested in winter 580 4 053 6 990
Mixed green fodder harvested in spring 902 4 580 5 080
Grass (in hay weight) 7 576 16 185 2 140
Lucerne hay 101 444 444 032 4 370
Red clover hay 985 2 730 2 770
Other fodder plants 14 719 102 111
Other field crops 6 772 3 964
Lucernamag / Lucerne seed 396 607 1 480
Seeds of grass 2 272 938 410
Other field crops 4 104 2 419

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008