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3.12. Harvested area, harvested production and average yield of field crops by group of legal forms, 2007 – Private holdings –
Territorial unit Harvested area,
Harvested production,
Average yield,
Cereals 1 194 256 3 901 466
Wheat (including durum wheat) 413 312 1 301 548 3 150
Meslin 4 12 3 000
Maize 532 542 1 995 101 3 750
Rice 185 554 2 990
Barley 130 235 355 960 2 730
Rye 16 511 31 763 1 920
Oats 28 100 49 337 1 760
Triticale 66 653 159 435 2 390
Other cereals (millet, buckwheat, sorghum, canary seed, Indian rice) 6 714 7 756
Potatoes 13 964 205 741 14 340
Dried pulses 4 967 10 229
Bean 265 308 1 160
Peas 4 570 9 713 2 130
of which:
for human consumption 976 2 176 2 230
for fodder 3 594 7 537 2 100
Broad bean 9 15 1 670
Lupin 120 111 930
Other dried pulses 3 82
Industrial plants 291 233 773 184
Soya-bean 6 867 13 087 1 910
Sunflower seed 192 272 394 176 2 050
Rape seed 72 500 145 099 2 000
Linseed 39 21 540
Poppy seed 1 175 708 600
Tobacco leaves 2 640 4 661 1 770
Sugar-beet 5 589 208 182 37 250
Hemp for fibre
Other industrial plants 10 151 7 250
Fodder plants 66 275 355 342
Silage maize and green maize 9 137 138 398 15 150
Mixed green fodder harvested in winter 205 605 2 950
Mixed green fodder harvested in spring 301 904 3 000
Grass (in hay weight) 2 634 6 033 2 290
Lucerne hay 49 746 182 585 3 670
Red clover hay 386 1 020 2 640
Other fodder plants 3 866 25 797
Other field crops 6 979 3 499
Lucernamag / Lucerne seed 1 245 837 670
Seeds of grass 154 27 180
Other field crops 5 580 2 635

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008