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2.82. Grassland area by region and group of legal forms, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 27 433 29 002 34 717 18 429 9 506 9 149 45 862 38 508 43 866
Central Transdanubia 38 860 31 978 39 729 27 253 18 387 19 355 66 113 50 365 59 084
Western Transdanubia 33 680 25 247 27 057 25 603 17 960 13 123 59 283 43 207 40 180
Southern Transdanubia 32 004 19 245 21 534 29 348 17 984 16 047 61 352 37 229 37 581
Transdanubia 104 544 76 470 88 320 82 204 54 331 48 525 186 748 130 801 136 845
Northern Hungary 39 440 28 548 29 971 44 112 35 420 30 797 83 552 63 968 60 768
Northern Great Plain 74 470 69 940 83 590 64 083 55 874 61 336 138 553 125 814 144 926
Southern Great Plain 61 619 31 973 43 959 87 842 77 716 73 775 149 461 109 689 117 734
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 175 529 130 461 157 520 196 037 169 010 165 908 371 566 299 471 323 428
Total 307 506 235 933 280 557 296 670 232 847 223 582 604 176 468 780 504 139

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008