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2.37. Number of holdings using land area by land use category, type of farming and region, 2007 – Mixed farming – 1/2
Territorial unit Number of holdings using
orchard vineyard meadow pasture grassland
Central Hungary 110 1 18 3 55 71 99 130
Central Transdanubia 155 0 5 9 101 95 139 174
Western Transdanubia 176 4 11 5 113 63 137 186
Southern Transdanubia 188 4 15 11 98 86 144 215
Transdanubia 519 8 31 25 312 244 420 575
Northern Hungary 122 0 13 6 46 86 100 133
Northern Great Plain 275 2 35 6 99 179 226 303
Southern Great Plain 220 2 23 8 76 110 148 238
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 617 4 71 20 221 375 474 674
Total 1 246 13 120 48 588 690 993 1 379

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008