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2.32. Arable land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 142 510 123 695 141 351 128 564 118 749 101 621 271 074 242 444 242 972
Central Transdanubia 139 855 188 828 209 494 310 342 217 201 212 088 450 197 406 029 421 582
Western Transdanubia 141 309 216 050 204 889 299 880 240 622 216 034 441 189 456 672 420 923
Southern Transdanubia 216 307 255 774 292 438 400 041 299 304 277 157 616 348 555 078 569 595
Transdanubia 497 471 660 652 706 821 1 010 263 757 127 705 279 1 507 734 1 417 779 1 412 100
Northern Hungary 130 295 169 097 185 016 246 829 174 963 160 769 377 124 344 060 345 785
Northern Great Plain 269 713 334 365 352 828 549 501 421 745 409 616 819 214 756 110 762 444
Southern Great Plain 309 723 403 482 389 878 577 667 451 510 406 979 887 390 854 992 796 857
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 709 731 906 944 927 722 1 373 997 1 048 218 977 364 2 083 728 1 955 162 1 905 086
Total 1 349 712 1 691 291 1 775 894 2 512 824 1 924 094 1 784 264 3 862 536 3 615 385 3 560 158
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008