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2.29. Arable land area of agricultural enterprises by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 80 339 78 231 77 522 60 147 58 102 56 296 140 486 136 333 133 818
Central Transdanubia 87 024 113 458 116 657 193 743 141 779 133 219 280 767 255 237 249 876
Western Transdanubia 92 662 123 339 129 472 171 947 129 787 124 107 264 609 253 126 253 579
Southern Transdanubia 138 829 164 546 173 423 253 819 195 375 182 896 392 648 359 921 356 319
Transdanubia 318 515 401 343 419 552 619 509 466 941 440 222 938 024 868 284 859 774
Northern Hungary 69 932 91 314 89 416 132 383 90 026 91 866 202 315 181 340 181 282
Northern Great Plain 120 544 147 177 143 542 217 098 173 713 177 577 337 642 320 890 321 119
Southern Great Plain 155 154 214 954 213 061 228 040 158 075 160 847 383 194 373 029 373 908
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 345 630 453 445 446 019 577 521 421 814 430 290 923 151 875 259 876 309
Total 744 484 933 019 943 093 1 257 177 946 857 926 808 2 001 661 1 879 876 1 869 901
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008