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2.28. Arable land area by group of legal forms and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 140 486 136 333 133 818 130 751 106 337 109 273 271 237 242 670 243 091
Central Transdanubia 280 768 255 237 249 876 169 594 150 897 171 820 450 362 406 134 421 696
Western Transdanubia 264 609 253 126 253 579 176 761 203 707 167 444 441 370 456 833 421 023
Southern Transdanubia 392 648 359 921 356 319 223 926 195 330 213 407 616 574 555 251 569 726
Transdanubia 938 025 868 284 859 774 570 281 549 934 552 671 1 508 306 1 418 218 1 412 445
Northern Hungary 202 314 181 340 181 282 175 229 162 932 164 675 377 543 344 272 345 957
Northern Great Plain 337 643 320 890 321 119 482 094 435 516 441 592 819 737 756 406 762 711
Southern Great Plain 383 194 373 029 373 908 504 393 482 157 423 090 887 587 855 186 796 998
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 923 151 875 259 876 309 1 161 716 1 080 605 1 029 357 2 084 867 1 955 864 1 905 666
Total 2 001 662 1 879 876 1 869 901 1 862 748 1 736 876 1 691 301 3 864 410 3 616 752 3 561 202

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008