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2.27. Number of private holdings using arable land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 22 410 14 935 14 689 17 742 13 995 11 051 40 152 28 930 25 740
Central Transdanubia 26 705 19 024 15 104 23 254 14 021 12 039 49 959 33 045 27 143
Western Transdanubia 35 824 27 798 18 458 35 932 22 069 14 429 71 756 49 867 32 887
Southern Transdanubia 38 842 31 917 26 091 43 382 26 446 19 537 82 224 58 363 45 628
Transdanubia 101 371 78 739 59 653 102 568 62 536 46 005 203 939 141 275 105 658
Northern Hungary 34 252 21 542 18 274 33 500 16 255 12 846 67 752 37 797 31 120
Northern Great Plain 58 531 49 369 44 682 78 604 49 996 41 462 137 135 99 365 86 144
Southern Great Plain 46 604 36 072 30 199 76 409 50 738 42 315 123 013 86 810 72 514
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 139 387 106 983 93 155 188 513 116 989 96 623 327 900 223 972 189 778
Total 263 168 200 657 167 497 308 823 193 520 153 679 571 991 394 177 321 176
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008