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2.23. Number of holdings using agricultural land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 33 735 26 534 25 670 22 574 16 658 13 318 56 309 43 192 38 988
Central Transdanubia 44 174 37 343 30 823 28 817 17 004 14 043 72 991 54 347 44 866
Western Transdanubia 49 949 45 916 34 592 40 185 24 800 17 064 90 134 70 716 51 656
Southern Transdanubia 54 927 47 346 39 139 50 210 30 330 22 742 105 137 77 676 61 881
Transdanubia 149 050 130 605 104 554 119 212 72 134 53 849 268 262 202 739 158 403
Northern Hungary 60 197 49 206 41 414 42 937 21 865 16 876 103 134 71 071 58 290
Northern Great Plain 78 521 74 850 66 368 88 413 56 783 46 368 166 934 131 633 112 736
Southern Great Plain 65 510 51 288 42 562 88 543 57 212 48 045 154 053 108 500 90 607
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 204 228 175 344 150 344 219 893 135 860 111 289 424 121 311 204 261 633
Total 387 013 332 483 280 568 361 679 224 652 178 456 748 692 557 135 459 024
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008