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2.16. Productive land area by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 211 262 184 413 191 453 227 529 226 931 217 781 438 791 411 344 409 234
Central Transdanubia 212 441 330 113 352 222 461 930 338 623 333 305 674 371 668 736 685 527
Western Transdanubia 306 992 378 372 369 467 482 596 342 223 312 837 789 588 720 595 682 304
Southern Transdanubia 297 285 340 064 429 042 667 505 523 844 444 143 964 790 863 908 873 185
Transdanubia 816 718 1 048 549 1 150 731 1 612 031 1 204 690 1 090 285 2 428 749 2 253 239 2 241 016
Northern Hungary 464 237 511 445 520 883 347 909 242 973 219 662 812 146 754 418 740 545
Northern Great Plain 359 701 435 491 449 275 805 930 660 966 661 616 1 165 631 1 096 457 1 110 891
Southern Great Plain 449 340 566 162 552 466 813 383 621 922 580 954 1 262 723 1 188 084 1 133 420
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 1 273 278 1 513 098 1 522 624 1 967 222 1 525 861 1 462 232 3 240 500 3 038 959 2 984 856
Total 2 301 258 2 746 060 2 864 808 3 806 782 2 957 482 2 770 298 6 108 040 5 703 542 5 635 106
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008