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2.13. Productive land area of agricultural enterprises by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 122 442 124 614 113 244 133 573 152 408 161 440 256 015 277 022 274 684
Central Transdanubia 136 274 236 589 244 993 312 252 241 256 234 926 448 526 477 845 479 919
Western Transdanubia 226 176 260 226 276 303 310 161 205 293 199 949 536 337 465 519 476 252
Southern Transdanubia 183 856 223 662 288 284 469 041 389 504 322 257 652 897 613 166 610 541
Transdanubia 546 306 720 477 809 580 1 091 454 836 053 757 132 1 637 760 1 556 530 1 566 712
Northern Hungary 363 048 402 002 393 985 179 347 116 927 120 235 542 395 518 929 514 220
Northern Great Plain 165 330 195 607 192 195 383 262 334 859 353 016 548 592 530 466 545 211
Southern Great Plain 238 788 334 739 321 540 351 142 223 700 239 922 589 930 558 439 561 462
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 767 166 932 348 907 720 913 751 675 486 713 173 1 680 917 1 607 834 1 620 893
Total 1 435 914 1 777 439 1 830 544 2 138 778 1 663 947 1 631 745 3 574 692 3 441 386 3 462 289
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008