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2.12. Productive land area by group of legal forms and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Agricultural enterprises Private holdings Total
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 256 015 277 022 274 684 184 049 135 305 135 395 440 064 412 327 410 079
Central Transdanubia 448 526 477 845 479 919 226 856 191 407 206 031 675 382 669 252 685 950
Western Transdanubia 536 337 465 519 476 252 253 857 255 453 206 430 790 194 720 972 682 682
Southern Transdanubia 652 897 613 166 610 541 312 870 251 310 263 197 965 767 864 476 873 738
Transdanubia 1 637 760 1 556 530 1 566 712 793 583 698 170 675 658 2 431 343 2 254 700 2 242 370
Northern Hungary 542 395 518 929 514 220 271 461 236 408 227 228 813 856 755 337 741 448
Northern Great Plain 548 592 530 466 545 211 619 445 567 280 566 858 1 168 037 1 097 746 1 112 069
Southern Great Plain 589 930 558 439 561 462 675 309 631 323 573 277 1 265 239 1 189 762 1 134 739
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 1 680 918 1 607 834 1 620 893 1 566 214 1 435 011 1 367 363 3 247 132 3 042 845 2 988 256
Total 3 574 692 3 441 386 3 462 289 2 543 847 2 268 486 2 178 416 6 118 539 5 709 872 5 640 705

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008