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2.5. Land area of agricultural enterprises by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007
Territorial unit Crop farming Mixed farming Totala)a)
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 176 842 170 519 136 728 137 351 185 052 169 336 314 193 355 571 306 064
Central Transdanubia 145 823 327 783 316 173 340 408 250 172 242 191 486 231 577 955 558 364
Western Transdanubia 257 961 290 596 313 028 321 393 215 856 212 191 579 354 506 452 525 219
Southern Transdanubia 192 380 234 394 297 258 483 630 403 872 337 226 676 010 638 266 634 484
Transdanubia 596 164 852 773 926 459 1 145 431 869 900 791 608 1 741 595 1 722 673 1 718 067
Northern Hungary 367 315 414 728 405 254 186 623 120 810 123 904 553 938 535 538 529 158
Northern Great Plain 194 223 219 512 218 879 400 932 349 710 372 086 595 155 569 222 590 965
Southern Great Plain 255 538 352 525 333 621 373 411 252 486 257 956 628 949 605 011 591 577
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 817 076 986 765 957 754 960 966 723 006 753 946 1 778 042 1 709 771 1 711 700
Total 1 590 082 2 010 057 2 020 941 2 243 748 1 777 958 1 714 890 3 833 830 3 788 015 3 735 831
a)Crop and mixed farming. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008