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1.26. Gross production value of market–oriented holdings by type of farming and region, 2000, 2005 and 2007** 1/2
(million HUF)
Territorial unit Crop farming Livestock farming
2000 2005 2007 2000 2005 2007
Central Hungary 4 828 8 416 7 585 1 207 283 366
Central Transdanubia 2 474 5 511 7 154 1 261 797 604
Western Transdanubia 3 795 8 525 6 733 4 723 1 161 941
Southern Transdanubia 4 700 8 446 10 017 2 074 1 301 914
Transdanubia 10 968 22 483 23 903 8 058 3 259 2 459
Northern Hungary 3 814 7 308 9 225 1 551 526 497
Northern Great Plain 10 265 25 936 22 455 1 817 1 046 1 182
Southern Great Plain 10 765 24 035 21 304 3 651 1 974 1 544
Great Plain and Northern Hungary 24 844 57 279 52 983 7 019 3 545 3 223
Total 40 641 88 178 84 471 16 285 7 087 6 047
*Excluding holdings with GPV = 0. 

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008