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6. Characteristics of pear plantations by region, 2007
Denomination Central
Great Plain
and Northern
number, pcs 49 24 104 94 222 171 229 235 635 906
share, % 5.41 2.65 11.48 10.38 24.50 18.87 25.28 25.94 70.09 100.00
Gross area
size, hectare 133.20 158.90 603.98 113.26 876.15 946.50 677.30 244.94 1 868.74 2 878.08
share, % 4.63 5.52 20.99 3.94 30.44 32.89 23.53 8.51 64.93 100.00
Net area
size, hectare 125.88 157.56 581.94 110.11 849.62 935.34 668.23 232.95 1 836.52 2 812.01
share, % 4.48 5.60 20.69 3.92 30.21 33.26 23.76 8.28 65.31 100.00
Size of area, hectare
below 0,5 6.45 1.00 10.96 15.03 26.99 13.75 8.03 37.38 59.16 92.60
  0,5–  0,99 7.60 11.47 12.96 32.03 12.08 31.56 36.40 80.04 112.07
  1,0–  2,99 19.89 6.56 35.03 16.92 58.51 57.40 153.88 61.71 272.99 351.39
  3,0–  5,99 17.20 20.70 36.84 19.50 77.04 80.91 173.32 27.59 281.82 376.06
  6,0–  9,99 24.34 7.70 38.66 21.30 67.66 162.52 74.78 18.62 255.92 347.92
10,0–14,99 10.00 64.14 24.40 88.54 265.88 104.36 10.00 380.24 478.78
15,0–19,99 52.56 52.56 146.38 46.30 18.00 210.68 263.24
20,0–24,99 64.46 64.46 46.58 21.00 23.25 90.83 155.29
25,0 and over 48.00 114.01 267.82 381.83 149.83 55.00 204.83 634.66
Age categories
  2 years and below 30.00 30.00 51.00 19.75 70.75 100.75
  3 years 30.00 20.33 6.30 56.63 118.30 49.25 4.92 172.47 229.10
  4 years 3.78 8.00 37.35 16.43 61.78 263.68 136.04 0.48 400.20 465.76
  5–  9 years 22.27 26.03 79.76 57.19 162.98 96.91 271.45 37.20 405.56 590.81
10–14 years 23.27 1.92 43.07 1.22 46.21 54.15 24.23 27.09 105.47 174.95
15–24 years 4.94 7.60 13.84 8.77 30.21 54.42 16.21 27.58 98.21 133.36
25 years and over 71.62 84.01 357.59 20.21 461.81 296.87 151.30 135.67 583.84 1 117.27
Estimated year of grubbing,
2008–2010 78.47 84.51 117.53 16.63 218.67 117.26 145.23 142.75 405.24 702.38
2011–2015 22.64 9.60 266.49 6.22 282.31 203.32 15.61 20.83 239.76 544.71
2016–2020 8.69 1.43 30.08 8.77 40.28 73.53 36.54 18.59 128.66 177.63
after 2020 16.08 62.03 167.84 78.50 308.37 541.23 470.85 50.77 1 062.85 1 387.30
Slope of the terrain, %
flat 60.66 88.10 179.00 91.38 358.48 650.68 614.28 232.95 1497.91 1917.05
1–  4 15.22 34.26 287.53 16.64 338.43 75.97 47.45 123.42 477.07
5–  8 2.00 31.20 79.63 110.83 136.96 1.50 138.46 251.29
9–12 4.00 10.51 2.10 16.61 71.49 71.49 88.10
above 12 48.00 25.28 25.28 0.25 5.00 5.25 78.53
Orientation (if not a flat terrain)
East 6.57 20.29 0.99 21.28 23.19 19.16 42.35 70.20
South–East 5.40 4.00 135.04 2.45 141.49 72.92 1.23 74.15 221.04
South 51.07 42.90 6.60 49.50 33.15 0.60 33.75 134.32
South–West 1.70 93.42 0.93 96.05 58.05 1.45 59.50 155.55
West 2.00 103.09 3.63 108.72 51.00 21.00 72.00 180.72
North–West 30.00 3.38 0.45 33.83 10.99 5.11 16.10 49.93
North 2.94 1.90 4.84 5.21 1.90 7.11 11.95
North–East 2.00 31.76 1.90 1.79 35.45 30.16 3.50 33.66 71.11
Cultivation method
traditional 86.96 37.46 167.61 45.34 250.41 187.89 399.41 189.07 776.37 1113.74
spinder bush 1.00 56.75 44.47 1.41 102.63 166.77 71.28 7.17 245.22 348.85
freestanding spindle 10.58 22.33 284.27 10.16 316.76 329.74 72.21 20.01 421.96 749.30
slender spindle 27.34 41.03 85.39 45.30 171.72 249.33 122.85 14.60 386.78 585.84
others 0.20 7.90 8.10 1.60 2.49 2.10 6.19 14.29
Support system
well kept 24.80 34.80 74.99 13.13 122.92 152.84 100.04 6.84 259.72 407.44
none 101.08 122.76 506.95 96.98 726.69 782.50 568.19 226.11 1576.80 2404.57
not irrigable 108.64 93.37 489.24 56.67 639.28 683.22 425.39 178.28 1286.89 2034.81
irrigable but not irrigated 5.55 33.76 21.20 54.96 40.14 52.48 35.75 128.37 188.88
irrigated 11.69 30.43 71.50 53.54 155.47 211.98 190.36 18.91 421.25 588.41
Irrigation method
drop type 7.91 17.20 51.34 12.50 81.04 227.76 164.28 26.04 418.08 507.03
micro–jet 13.23 35.45 48.68 22.55 31.70 7.86 62.11 110.79
sprinkler type 5.28 37.56 5.50 43.06 1.50 8.49 3.34 13.33 61.67
others 4.05 33.76 3.80 37.56 0.31 38.38 17.43 56.12 97.73
Density, pcs/hectare
  150 and below 0.28 3.45 3.73 1.55 6.51 8.06 11.79
  151–  250 63.32 89.65 11.91 101.56 36.00 84.96 78.88 199.84 364.72
  251–  300 1.02 7.36 5.55 12.91 73.47 19.99 10.36 103.82 117.75
  301–  400 8.04 33.76 18.46 5.59 57.81 26.44 42.67 52.47 121.58 187.43
  401–  500 25.70 9.00 162.27 8.19 179.46 196.06 173.92 31.18 401.16 606.32
  501–  600 19.10 83.45 100.27 13.76 197.48 81.06 89.83 7.57 178.46 395.04
  601–  800 1.78 109.48 37.66 147.14 273.82 85.06 20.42 379.30 528.22
  801–1000 0.48 20.33 9.62 29.95 4.70 36.53 11.29 52.52 82.95
1001–1200 0.92 8.20 9.12 14.10 9.31 23.41 32.53
1201–1400 50.30 50.30 23.29 11.90 1.12 36.31 86.61
1401–1600 2.00 0.68 0.68 11.20 16.45 0.98 28.63 31.31
1601–1800 5.58 5.50 11.08 24.93 36.06 1.00 61.99 73.07
1801–2000 28.88 28.88 42.00 0.40 42.40 71.28
2001–2250 9.60 9.60 22.00 4.20 1.46 27.66 37.26
2251–2500 1.44 1.43 6.00 7.43 116.87 51.00 167.87 176.74
over 2500 3.00 2.49 2.49 3.50 3.50 8.99
Fruit–tree gaps, %
  5 and below 27.03 34.53 263.59 106.97 405.09 579.77 490.49 79.20 1 149.46 1 581.58
  6–10 13.69 37.60 14.54 1.74 53.88 183.24 93.44 26.30 302.98 370.55
11–25 6.99 84.01 35.57 0.66 120.24 95.36 33.68 42.72 171.76 298.99
26–30 3.10 1.43 48.28 0.29 50.00 15.76 32.86 17.21 65.83 118.93
31–50 63.53 159.90 159.90 40.58 17.76 52.36 110.70 334.13
over 50 11.53 60.07 0.45 60.52 20.64 15.17 35.81 107.86
Plantation status
poor 77.15 115.93 83.03 1.76 200.72 75.10 121.88 63.68 260.66 538.53
satisfactory 6.97 8.10 133.68 11.17 152.95 281.80 97.50 117.03 496.33 656.25
good 41.76 33.53 365.23 97.18 495.94 578.44 448.84 52.23 1 079.51 1 617.21
Orchard cultivating standard
not treated 57.04 52.25 69.99 1.58 123.82 57.49 38.89 32.01 128.39 309.25
poor 21.61 32.25 14.54 3.71 50.50 23.55 80.05 66.34 169.94 242.05
satisfactory 21.86 1.93 110.37 10.97 123.27 113.03 55.47 60.74 229.24 374.37
good 25.37 71.13 387.04 93.85 552.02 741.27 493.81 73.86 1 308.94 1 886.33

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008