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16. Characteristics of peach plantations by age categories, 2007
Denomination 2 years
and below
3 years 4 years 5–9 years 10–14 years 15–24 years 25 years
and over
number, pcs 7 29 85 741 1 549 1 142 413 3 966
share, % 0.18 0.73 2.14 18.70 39.01 28.82 10.42 100.00
Gross area
size, hectare 26.50 81.50 324.42 1 104.42 1 600.41 1 822.71 826.88 5 786.84
share, % 0.46 1.41 5.61 19.09 27.66 31.50 14.29 100.00
Net area
size, hectare 26.50 79.56 317.59 1 070.50 1 548.36 1 749.07 786.38 5 577.96
share, % 0.48 1.43 5.69 19.19 27.76 31.36 14.10 100.00
Size of area, hectare
  below 0,5 0.38 0.94 81.21 226.22 186.88 76.34 571.97
  0,5–  0,99 0.50 1.49 9.26 108.12 262.14 145.08 34.21 560.80
  1,0–  2,99 7.80 36.92 62.17 351.99 469.82 203.60 100.63 1 232.93
  3,0–  5,99 3.20 28.20 84.68 234.82 222.48 252.08 66.66 892.12
  6,0–  9,99 12.56 63.04 136.97 68.16 117.99 57.67 456.39
10,0–14,99 38.70 62.28 67.28 168.96 40.28 377.50
15,0–19,99 15.00 18.80 47.96 17.10 193.89 34.76 327.51
20,0–24,99 21.54 91.50 65.13 23.17 201.34
25,0 and over 40.00 25.60 123.67 415.46 352.65 957.38
Estimated year of grubbing
2008–2010 3.90 53.40 421.75 1 005.17 708.46 2 192.68
2011–2015 15.00 4.50 47.19 308.86 502.56 533.41 59.46 1 470.98
2016–2020 9.50 40.11 107.59 401.91 383.33 130.76 10.04 1 083.24
after 2020 2.00 34.95 158.92 306.33 240.72 79.72 8.42 831.06
Slope of the terrain, %
flat 26.50 64.36 263.63 782.80 1 042.15 978.47 192.69 3 350.60
1–  4 5.91 18.39 170.81 441.98 572.49 325.72 1 535.30
5–  8 23.71 59.22 50.80 166.44 143.35 443.52
9–12 7.00 11.46 10.49 13.02 31.66 56.30 129.93
above 12 2.28 0.40 47.18 0.41 68.31 118.58
Orientation (if not a flat terrain)
East 6.38 18.80 89.32 79.49 98.18 37.68 329.85
South–East 11.23 31.26 244.42 164.96 95.14 547.01
South 2.73 2.85 24.19 30.37 79.29 138.09 277.52
South–West 15.25 69.24 73.10 243.59 195.71 596.89
West 2.28 1.33 49.51 44.37 151.96 5.65 255.10
North–West 1.00 3.56 9.45 0.91 104.19 119.11
North 4.50 10.46 6.61 21.57
North–East 2.80 10.17 18.38 31.72 17.22 80.29
Cultivation method
traditional 4.30 6.27 35.46 75.12 172.63 226.23 183.59 703.60
vase 15.00 9.57 51.52 142.26 204.40 274.49 40.13 737.37
open centre 7.20 63.71 230.62 837.02 1 171.34 1 248.35 562.65 4 120.89
others 16.10 16.10
not irrigable 24.50 35.01 153.73 610.82 1 053.86 1 448.82 719.80 4 046.54
irrigable but not irrigated 2.00 6.24 32.95 179.17 222.52 148.82 2.60 594.30
irrigated 38.31 130.91 280.51 271.99 151.42 63.98 937.12
Irrigation method
drop type 19.35 88.50 164.18 136.86 63.75 1.39 474.03
micro–jet 14.61 23.59 51.59 35.09 4.34 129.22
sprinkler type 6.80 16.10 133.92 84.51 88.80 40.13 370.26
others 2.00 3.79 35.68 109.99 238.04 143.35 25.05 557.90
Density, pcs/hectare
  250 and below 5.07 7.98 61.56 25.89 100.50
  251–  300 31.13 20.42 29.07 2.77 83.39
  301–  400 4.30 9.24 33.51 118.86 253.15 241.34 107.54 767.94
  401–  500 22.20 54.99 232.08 718.89 959.45 1 249.73 539.80 3 777.14
  501–  600 7.10 3.85 60.96 129.60 38.56 34.77 274.84
  601–  800 3.19 43.55 88.95 129.70 63.74 49.86 378.99
  801–1000 2.30 4.60 13.12 37.22 54.88 25.21 137.33
1001–1200 2.73 8.08 8.21 8.31 0.52 27.85
1201–1400 14.26 1.69 15.95
1401–1600 7.32 1.88 9.20
over 1600 3.87 0.94 4.81
Fruit–tree gaps, %
  5 and below 26.50 68.66 266.51 819.97 784.30 559.04 75.56 2 600.54
  6–10 47.40 112.98 338.78 394.29 72.75 966.20
11–25 8.30 1.73 51.82 266.21 457.94 144.22 930.22
26–30 2.60 1.94 44.07 50.62 123.47 157.73 380.43
31–50 22.57 94.51 137.35 129.83 384.26
over 50 19.09 13.95 76.98 206.29 316.31
Plantation status
poor 0.70 53.44 109.65 223.26 433.14 820.19
satisfactory 2.30 13.10 78.96 207.90 361.41 747.48 240.17 1 651.32
good 24.20 66.46 237.94 809.17 1 077.30 778.32 113.06 3 106.45
Orchard cultivating standard
not treated 4.48 34.30 90.63 172.29 301.70
poor 40.17 30.49 45.50 105.50 181.91 403.57
satisfactory 2.30 5.68 9.64 100.70 305.30 626.38 210.29 1 260.29
good 24.20 73.87 267.79 934.83 1 163.27 926.56 221.89 3 612.41

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2008