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1.1. Area of orchards by regions 1/7
Denomination Budapest Pest Central Hungary
Plantation number, pcs 54 4 507 4 561
share % 0.1 7.5 7.6
Gross area size, hectare 251.22 10 725.61 10 976.83
share, % 0.3 11.9 12.2
Net area size, hectare 235.87 10 239.85 10 475.72
share % 0.3 11.9 12.2
Plantation area by fruit species, hectare
Apples 55.74 1 958.21 2 013.95
Pears 1.30 150.63 151.93
Quinces 1.50 1.50
Pomes, total 57.04 2 110.34 2 167.38
Cherries 0.15 319.23 319.38
Sour cherries 22.20 2 545.04 2 567.24
Apricots 58.76 1 128.53 1 187.29
Peaches 41.02 1 535.09 1 576.11
Plums 20.85 1 359.61 1 380.46
Stone fruits, total 142.98 6 887.50 7 030.48
Walnuts 2.80 211.52 214.32
Almonds 3.55 28.15 31.70
Chestnuts 23.12 23.12
Hazelnuts 8.50 4.79 13.29
Shell fruits, total 14.85 267.58 282.43
Raspberries 243.22 243.22
Raspberry-blackberry hybrids 0.25 0.25
Blackberries 30.68 30.68
Red and white currants 377.63 377.63
Blackcurrants 88.66 88.66
Currant- gooseberry hybrids
Gooseberries 19.81 19.81
Strawberries 20.00 93.23 113.23
Elderberries 1.00 103.54 104.54
Buckthornes 17.40 17.40
Blueberries and bilberries
Berries, total 21.00 974.42 995.42

© Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2006