Country Number of flights Number of passengers Quantity of freight and mail, tonnes
arrivals departures disembarked embarked unloaded loaded
Scheduled services
Total 14,146 14,178 2,214,919 2,202,582 30,911 13,467
Of which:
Commercial services, total 14,146 14,178 2,214,919 2,202,582 30,911 13,467
Of which:
Germany 1,732 1,654 227,184 231,457 4,071 1,802
United Kingdom 1,658 1,661 289,504 282,390 15 68
Italy 1,638 1,645 295,047 283,987 448 509
Spain 1,188 1,190 227,352 224,112 14 39
Turkey 669 667 95,118 96,657 2,104 1,282
Switzerland 669 663 89,310 87,723 57 46
France 666 670 106,700 105,800 693 704
Netherlands 538 537 91,281 87,567 6 41
Poland 458 434 45,379 46,288 38 27
China 440 431 50,864 60,218 15,804 2,982
Romania 429 504 47,303 48,351 311 1,627
Belgium 401 420 65,866 65,090 1 9
Israel 362 363 57,713 57,789 27 3
Greece 330 327 62,774 55,649 2 4
United Arab Emirates 308 309 59,276 66,644 1,449 1,002
Denmark 293 294 52,673 50,580 0 0
Austria 266 265 14,604 14,662 1 0
Portugal 208 208 40,436 39,931
Ireland 186 187 31,681 30,503 2 17
Serbia 171 171 8,371 7,401 2 0
Qatar 151 130 15,089 16,935 4,964 2,529
Egypt 142 140 22,692 24,623 60 2
Malta 123 123 24,304 23,383
Sweden 121 121 22,386 22,793 0 0
Cyprus 119 119 23,441 21,843
Finland 118 118 13,055 13,634 32 30
Czechia 88 111 15,483 15,109 85 21
Norway 83 83 13,901 14,144 1 2
Albania 75 76 12,777 12,790
South Korea 69 69 15,265 16,729 717 445
Bulgaria 65 65 11,349 10,895
Saudi Arabia 63 63 11,283 13,147
Luxembourg 43 84 2,879 2,854 269
Azerbaijan 38 39 8,035 8,297
Georgia 37 38 7,719 7,813
Latvia 29 30 3,802 3,870 9 4
Armenia 28 28 5,683 5,379
Montenegro 27 26 5,536 4,504
Moldova 27 27 5,683 5,739
Iceland 26 26 5,909 5,692
Macedonia 26 26 4,205 3,917
Morocco 19 19 3,730 4,027
Uzbekistan 12 12 1,242 691
Jordan 5 5 1,035 975
Estonia 1
Kazakhstan 1
Non-commercial services
Non-scheduled services
Total 2,165 2,135 52,524 46,158 23,304 3,779
Of which:
Commercial services, total 686 586 44,485 39,124 23,298 3,766
Of which:
China 134 191 9,206 2,497
Kazakhstan 120 27 240 128 7,082
Egypt 82 80 14,499 13,949 10
Georgia 81 57 297 3,061 151
Turkey 65 52 11,197 8,034 91
Uzbekistan 36 35 1,749 1,052
Israel 28 30 3,339 3,590 0
Oman 21 22 2,842 3,160 104
Spain 19 18 2,759 2,799
Qatar 12 909
United Arab Emirates 12 4 124 174 1,092 8
United Kingdom 11 12 1,420 1,370 3
Greece 10 3 1,520 494
Tanzania 9 10 1,538 1,537
France 8 6 1,087 740
Tunisia 7 6 1,264 732
Germany 4 6 77 166 1 3
India 3 2 942 619
Belgium 3 3 94 70
Poland 3 2 433 199
Bulgaria 2 1 220 226
Sweden 2 2 215 130
Netherlands 2 3 131 230
Morocco 2 200
Iceland 2 2 229 227
Turkmenistan 1
Moldova 1 2 18
Cyprus 1 1 12 11
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 1 55 55
Lithuania 1
United States of America 1 1
Serbia 1 18
Romania 1 1 30 19
Italy 3 99
Luxembourg 1 80
Ireland 1 8
Mauritius 1
Albania 1 5
Non-commercial services 1,479 1,549 8,039 7,034 6 13
Scheduled and non-scheduled services
Total 16,311 16,313 2,267,443 2,248,740 54,216 17,246
Of which:
Commercial services, total 14,832 14,764 2,259,404 2,241,706 54,210 17,232
Of which:
Germany 1,736 1,660 227,261 231,623 4,072 1,805
United Kingdom 1,669 1,673 290,924 283,760 15 71
Italy 1,638 1,648 295,047 284,086 448 509
Spain 1,207 1,208 230,111 226,911 14 39
Turkey 734 719 106,315 104,691 2,195 1,282
France 674 676 107,787 106,540 693 704
Switzerland 669 663 89,310 87,723 57 46
China 574 622 50,864 60,218 25,010 5,480
Netherlands 540 540 91,412 87,797 6 41
Poland 461 436 45,812 46,487 38 27
Romania 430 505 47,333 48,370 311 1,627
Belgium 404 423 65,960 65,160 1 9
Israel 390 393 61,052 61,379 27 3
Greece 340 330 64,294 56,143 2 4
United Arab Emirates 320 313 59,400 66,818 2,541 1,010
Denmark 293 294 52,673 50,580 0 0
Austria 266 265 14,604 14,662 1 0
Egypt 224 220 37,191 38,572 60 12
Portugal 208 208 40,436 39,931
Ireland 186 188 31,681 30,503 2 25
Serbia 172 171 8,389 7,401 2 0
Qatar 163 130 15,089 16,935 5,873 2,529
Sweden 123 123 22,601 22,923 0 0
Malta 123 123 24,304 23,383
Kazakhstan 121 27 240 128 7,082
Cyprus 120 120 23,453 21,843 11
Georgia 118 95 7,719 8,110 3,061 151
Finland 118 118 13,055 13,634 32 30
Czechia 88 111 15,483 15,109 85 21
Norway 83 83 13,901 14,144 1 2
Albania 75 77 12,777 12,790 5
South Korea 69 69 15,265 16,729 717 445
Bulgaria 67 66 11,569 11,121
Saudi Arabia 63 63 11,283 13,147
Uzbekistan 48 47 1,242 691 1,749 1,052
Luxembourg 43 85 2,879 2,934 269
Azerbaijan 38 39 8,035 8,297
Latvia 29 30 3,802 3,870 9 4
Iceland 28 28 6,138 5,919
Moldova 28 29 5,683 5,739 18
Armenia 28 28 5,683 5,379
Montenegro 27 26 5,536 4,504
Macedonia 26 26 4,205 3,917
Oman 21 22 2,842 3,160 104
Morocco 21 19 3,930 4,027
Tanzania 9 10 1,538 1,537
Tunisia 7 6 1,264 732
Jordan 5 5 1,035 975
India 3 2 942 619
Lithuania 1
Turkmenistan 1
United States of America 1 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 1 55 55
Estonia 1
Mauritius 1
Non-commercial services 1,479 1,549 8,039 7,034 6 13