Quarters Number Floor space, thousand m² Of which: Issued new construction permits Of which: simple declarations Number of dwellings to be built in Number Number Floor space, thousand m² Of which:
number floor space, thousand m² number floor space, thousand m² new residential buildings residential buildings number floor space, thousand m² number floor space, thousand m² number floor space, thousand m²
of residential buildings of residential buildings with one dwelling of residential buildings with three and more dwellings with one dwelling with three and more dwellings of holiday houses of holiday units of non-residential buildings of industrial buildings of agricultural buildings of commercial buildings
2020 Q1 2,369 708.4 1,866 280.6 159 352.8 7,032 2,591 6,700 1,866 4,136 102 108 869 713.5 237 327.5 177 91.1 30 9.4
Q1–Q2 5,437 1,327.0 4,435 674.0 285 493.2 12,475 6,092 11,551 4,435 5,688 227 240 1,918 2,270.6 561 1,370.6 413 239.2 69 25.4
Q1–Q3 8,452 1,911.2 6,974 1,049.7 398 620.3 17,278 9,511 16,161 6,974 7,044 373 407 2,814 2,834.0 761 1,571.2 589 345.1 111 43.7
Q1–Q4 11,381 2,559.6 9,265 1,398.9 525 770.5 22,556 12,845 21,263 9,265 8,824 547 599 4,023 4,057.2 1,058 2,157.9 923 630.1 155 61.3
2021 Q1 3,867 867.6 3,034 468.9 246 241.6 6,946 4,642 6,847 3,034 2,643 144 157 883 856.8 253 437.8 199 141.1 43 15.2
Q1–Q2 8,566 1,901.9 6,817 1,042.6 490 542.8 15,274 10,217 15,008 6,817 5,689 364 411 2,329 2,129.3 612 1,097.7 529 451.5 116 44.0
Q1–Q3 12,537 2,724.7 9,987 1,513.3 746 764.5 22,430 14,891 21,678 9,987 8,047 530 624 3,682 3,421.2 975 1,614.9 921 846.3 188 67.2
Q1–Q4 16,531 3,603.5 13,133 1,978.8 1,016 1,043.6 29,941 19,640 28,913 13,133 10,991 737 956 5,021 4,802.6 1,357 2,266.9 1,296 1,172.7 243 86.6
2022 Q1 3,799 951.8 2,933 438.1 231 353.0 8,001 4,435 7,851 2,933 3,680 103 124 1,159 1,085.1 308 574.3 216 163.3 50 58.3
Q1–Q2 7,938 2,026.1 6,125 912.3 556 806.6 17,715 9,519 17,464 6,125 8,867 257 332 2,379 2,474.1 583 1,174.1 507 449.2 122 200.5
Q1–Q3 11,101 2,992.8 8,622 1,277.1 779 1,298.1 25,984 13,104 25,628 8,622 13,658 351 429 3,703 3,983.1 951 2,115.9 768 631.5 192 304.1
Q1–Q4 13,897 4,059.2 10,727 1,584.7 1,037 1,953.8 35,002 16,190 34,612 10,727 19,681 504 592 4,768 4,927.7 1,268 2,658.3 1,006 853.5 251 349.4
2023 Q1 2,094 606.1 1,606 240.2 178 296.6 4,989 2,420 4,937 1,606 2,715 104 193 956 1,539.3 260 1,007.6 183 150.9 44 102.8
Q1–Q2 4,238 1,293.6 3,299 503.8 356 660.5 10,880 4,688 10,707 3,299 6,258 231 377 2,081 2,736.3 548 1,669.2 458 324.4 98 136.2
Q1–Q3 6,297 1,769.9 5,005 762.8 491 827.5 14,894 6,865 14,554 5,005 7,992 315 468 3,070 3,537.1 773 2,060.8 706 486.0 161 169.0
Q1–Q4 8,732 2,485.5 6,981 1,060.1 662 1,182.0 21,501 9,419 20,835 6,981 11,725 409 569 4,013 4,487.1 1,025 2,628.0 908 620.8 201 187.6
2024 Q1 1,909 542.1 1,500 219.4 141 263.9 4,524 2,060 4,412 1,500 2,376 84 95 853 780.8 162 364.5 240 149.8 36 54.4
Q1–Q2 4,311 1,063.9 3,412 497.2 287 436.3 8,972 4,672 8,761 3,412 4,139 168 186 1,737 1,523.9 367 784.6 479 310.4 64 89.1
Q1–Q3 7,173 1,654.0 5,727 828.1 429 608.8 14,551 7,835 14,311 5,727 6,580 247 282 2,659 2,080.2 584 1,079.9 711 464.5 98 109.5
Q1–Q4 8,671 2,332.7 6,848 995.6 604 1,066.9 20,494 9,234 20,158 6,848 10,912 363 439 3,530 2,914.6 803 1,602.4 965 641.3 141 137.4