Denomination Noble oak Beech Black locust Other hard broadleaves Hybrid poplar and willow Native poplar and other soft broadleaves Scots pine Black pine Norway spruce
2016/2017 growing season
Successful first afforestationa
Clear-felling 1,645.9 92.6 8,330.3 637.3 1,840.3 2,360.8 149.4 572.2 0.5
Replacement afforestation for renovation 18.3 87.7 31.6 33.2 53.3 3.7 1.2
Total 1,664.1 92.6 8,418.0 668.9 1,873.5 2,414.1 153.1 573.4 0.5
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,852.3 76.0 8,936.3 883.0 2,039.2 2,759.5 120.9 483.3 6.1
Regeneration cutting 951.4 817.1 1,187.0 8.2
Total 2,803.7 893.1 8,936.3 2,069.9 2,039.2 2,767.8 120.9 483.3 6.1
Replacement afforestation for renovation 48.6 64.5 91.3 7.7 62.9 2.7 1.7
Total 2,852.2 893.1 9,000.8 2,161.3 2,046.9 2,830.7 123.6 484.9 6.1
2017/2018 growing season
Start of afforestationb
Clear-felling 1,399.8 97.2 7,067.3 565.1 1,952.0 2,331.0 81.2 518.9 0.5
Replacement afforestation for renovation 9.8 47.1 19.0 18.7 54.6 2.2
Total 1,409.6 97.2 7,114.4 584.1 1,970.7 2,385.6 81.2 521.1 0.5
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 2,116.1 80.8 11,614.1 1,008.6 2,553.6 3,401.8 144.1 572.7 25.7
Regeneration cutting 1,111.9 1,267.5 3.8 1,659.4 7.7 30.5 0.2 6.4
Total 3,228.0 1,348.3 11,617.9 2,668.0 2,553.6 3,409.5 174.6 572.9 32.1
Replacement afforestation for renovation 52.6 186.5 79.1 66.3 95.2 3.0
Total 3,280.6 1,348.3 11,804.4 2,747.1 2,619.9 3,504.7 174.6 575.9 32.1
2018/2019 growing season
Start of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,513.5 91.6 7,455.4 481.0 2,379.9 2,216.6 163.2 426.0 1.7
Replacement afforestation for renovation 13.6 89.3 41.8 10.9 33.4
Total 1,527.1 91.6 7,544.7 522.8 2,390.8 2,250.0 163.2 426.0 1.7
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,924.9 126.5 10,233.8 975.7 2,255.2 2,812.6 245.5 384.9 19.1
Regeneration cutting 875.5 1,209.0 1,762.7 5.3 9.1 1.7
Total 2,800.4 1,335.5 10,233.8 2,738.4 2,255.2 2,817.8 254.5 384.9 20.8
Replacement afforestation for renovation 45.8 80.7 64.3 7.2 28.5 1.6
Total 2,846.2 1,335.5 10,314.5 2,802.8 2,262.5 2,846.3 254.5 386.5 20.8
2019/2020 growing season
Start of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,157.9 90.2 8,146.0 471.9 2,112.1 2,426.9 87.0 291.4 0.7
Replacement afforestation for renovation 2.0 46.5 26.8 18.5 116.5
Total 1,160.0 90.2 8,192.4 498.7 2,130.6 2,543.5 87.0 291.4 0.7
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 2,233.0 101.2 9,191.6 919.0 2,324.5 2,698.0 218.1 445.6 15.2
Regeneration cutting 905.2 1,521.2 1,681.5 15.0 24.3
Total 3,138.2 1,622.4 9,191.6 2,600.5 2,324.5 2,713.0 242.3 445.6 15.2
Replacement afforestation for renovation 37.1 3.8 95.9 29.6 13.6 78.7 6.1
Total 3,175.2 1,626.2 9,287.4 2,630.1 2,338.1 2,791.7 242.3 451.7 15.2
2020/2021 growing season
Start of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,144.7 64.7 8,132.7 588.2 1,892.2 2,056.6 128.2 564.5 2.0
Replacement afforestation for renovation 22.8 60.1 15.7 17.1 65.3
Total 1,167.5 64.7 8,192.8 603.9 1,909.3 2,121.9 128.2 564.5 2.0
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 2,007.0 56.6 8,992.0 1,011.0 2,277.3 2,429.9 182.3 685.3 6.5
Regeneration cutting 946.0 1,242.8 1,432.4 11.6 38.0
Total 2,953.0 1,299.4 8,992.0 2,443.5 2,277.3 2,441.5 220.3 685.3 6.5
Replacement afforestation for renovation 39.5 85.7 19.1 47.8 53.9
Total 2,992.5 1,299.4 9,077.7 2,462.6 2,325.1 2,495.4 220.3 685.3 6.5
2021/2022 growing season
Start of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,274.8 25.6 7,407.3 553.3 2,020.9 1,953.7 127.8 558.9
Replacement afforestation for renovation 12.7 70.7 8.1 17.0 24.3
Total 1,287.6 25.6 7,477.9 561.4 2,037.8 1,978.0 127.8 558.9
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,879.3 59.8 8,187.4 896.9 1,776.8 2,186.0 243.6 643.6 8.7
Regeneration cutting 840.9 1,058.4 1,208.1 14.4 65.7 4.5
Total 2,720.1 1,118.1 8,187.4 2,105.0 1,776.8 2,200.4 309.3 643.6 13.2
Replacement afforestation for renovation 48.2 113.0 98.9 24.0 103.7 3.7
Total 2,768.3 1,118.1 8,300.4 2,203.9 1,800.8 2,304.1 313.0 643.6 13.2
2022/2023 growing season
Start of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,378.5 41.2 8,674.6 562.5 1,881.6 2,895.3 101.5 467.3
Replacement afforestation for renovation 17.2 137.1 14.0 11.7 24.5
Total 1,395.7 41.2 8,811.7 576.5 1,893.3 2,919.8 101.5 467.3
Completion of afforestation
Clear-felling 1,792.0 61.6 9,463.2 843.9 2,103.1 2,406.5 136.1 462.8 12.5
Regeneration cutting 768.4 1,020.3 4.6 1,392.1 31.7 83.6
Total 2,560.4 1,081.9 9,467.8 2,236.0 2,103.1 2,438.2 219.7 462.8 12.5
Replacement afforestation for renovation 16.0 106.7 29.4 18.5 61.6
Total 2,576.4 1,081.9 9,574.5 2,265.4 2,121.5 2,499.8 219.7 462.8 12.5


*Data concerning to areas being under forest management planning from those which are determined as forest area according to Act No. XXXVII of 2009.
aInterpreted only in the case of clear-felling.
bThe 2017 amendment to Act XXXVII of 2009 on Forests, Forest Protection and Forest Management introduced the term "start of afforestation" instead of "successful first afforestation".
Source: National Land Centre Forestry Department, Data of National Forest Database (From 1 June 2024 Ministry of Agriculture).