Name Level 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
of territorial units
Number of foreign direct investment enterprises
Budapest capital, regiona 17,499 16,807 17,468 18,621 17,387 17,204 17,029 16,204 15,320 13,933 14,663 16,282 15,305 15,179 14,600 14,214
Pest county, regionb 2,647 2,685 2,770 2,826 2,684 2,689 2,565 2,396 2,270 2,120 2,171 2,381 2,275 2,428 2,319 2,200
Central Hungary large regionc 20,146 19,492 20,238 21,447 20,071 19,893 19,594 18,600 17,590 16,053 16,834 18,663 17,580 17,607 16,919 16,414
Fejér county 468 494 462 433 454 436 422 414 393 377 372 375 361 365 353 354
Komárom-Esztergom county 626 631 602 635 632 626 639 506 480 445 480 543 535 550 531 485
Veszprém county 599 591 561 561 537 501 457 409 375 364 350 342 334 346 326 311
Central Transdanubia region 1,693 1,716 1,625 1,629 1,623 1,563 1,518 1,329 1,248 1,186 1,202 1,260 1,230 1,261 1,210 1,150
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 1,247 1,255 1,271 1,356 1,326 1,298 1,281 1,176 1,133 1,077 1,080 1,177 1,120 1,151 1,133 1,069
Vas county 716 675 675 691 678 671 628 574 572 509 478 501 491 480 450 446
Zala county 638 620 614 671 619 598 575 565 531 466 472 476 450 433 427 407
Western Transdanubia region 2,601 2,550 2,560 2,718 2,623 2,567 2,484 2,315 2,236 2,052 2,030 2,154 2,061 2,064 2,010 1,922
Baranya county 586 554 532 557 519 490 468 441 392 349 331 353 336 334 331 298
Somogy county 441 430 428 409 387 378 353 321 291 259 260 274 296 289 296 271
Tolna county 251 236 214 228 216 201 177 166 171 151 128 121 121 143 131 118
Southern Transdanubia region 1,278 1,220 1,174 1,194 1,122 1,069 998 928 854 759 719 748 753 766 758 687
Transdanubia large region 5,572 5,486 5,359 5,541 5,368 5,199 5,000 4,572 4,338 3,997 3,951 4,162 4,044 4,091 3,978 3,759
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 376 379 383 382 394 373 351 335 336 320 293 321 316 334 310 308
Heves county 260 259 252 245 232 214 198 208 205 201 190 196 174 179 161 153
Nógrád county 116 106 110 122 114 114 115 119 104 95 104 118 117 114 110 117
Northern Hungary region 752 744 745 749 740 701 664 662 645 616 587 635 607 627 581 578
Hajdú-Bihar county 303 311 333 357 317 303 315 305 298 271 284 280 278 307 334 304
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 202 197 184 192 191 189 180 167 175 168 174 177 174 177 177 160
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 359 331 341 355 350 318 283 301 279 231 217 239 226 221 223 195
Norther Great Plain region 864 839 858 904 858 810 778 773 752 670 675 696 678 705 734 659
Bács-Kiskun county 649 648 646 663 629 579 534 503 458 392 371 388 376 367 358 356
Békés county 177 173 172 195 190 179 166 164 155 120 112 122 109 123 116 107
Csongrád-Csanád county 523 500 487 508 509 459 406 405 375 325 351 347 328 368 337 349
Southern Great Plain region 1,349 1,321 1,305 1,366 1,328 1,217 1,106 1,072 988 837 834 857 813 858 811 812
Great Plain and North large region 2,965 2,904 2,908 3,019 2,926 2,728 2,548 2,507 2,385 2,123 2,096 2,188 2,098 2,190 2,126 2,049
Total country 28,683 27,882 28,505 30,007 28,365 27,820 27,142 25,679 24,313 22,173 22,881 25,013 23,722 23,888 23,023 22,222
Foreign direct investment enterprises in Hungary - net liabilities, billion HUF
Budapest capital, regiona 9,830.1 12,188.6 12,331.3 12,425.9 13,370.6 13,559.9 14,251.0 12,634.5 11,584.4 11,271.6 12,465.9 13,167.1 13,931.4 15,387.3 17,780.6 18,296.2
Pest county, regionb 2,120.0 2,234.7 2,136.2 2,253.2 2,242.3 2,339.4 2,172.8 2,222.6 2,175.1 2,148.7 2,320.0 2,277.6 2,829.6 3,363.9 3,863.0 4,110.0
Central Hungary large regionc 11,950.1 14,423.3 14,467.5 14,679.1 15,612.9 15,899.3 16,423.9 14,857.1 13,759.5 13,420.3 14,786.0 15,444.7 16,761.0 18,751.2 21,643.7 22,406.2
Fejér county 520.2 508.0 515.4 582.5 772.2 794.7 919.8 1,144.1 1,289.4 1,328.6 1,324.6 1,377.6 1,470.6 1,538.5 1,666.4 1,721.9
Komárom-Esztergom county 673.2 614.0 627.1 655.7 682.0 739.9 815.3 810.6 916.6 1,177.9 1,378.9 1,800.5 1,833.8 2,263.6 3,141.3 3,220.5
Veszprém county 121.6 104.8 121.9 172.6 169.7 167.8 176.4 215.1 233.5 528.5 550.6 681.9 698.3 747.5 839.6 849.3
Central Transdanubia region 1,315.0 1,226.8 1,264.4 1,410.8 1,623.9 1,702.4 1,911.6 2,169.9 2,439.5 3,034.9 3,254.1 3,860.0 4,002.7 4,549.6 5,647.2 5,791.7
Győr-Moson-Sopron county 730.5 656.2 648.6 1,923.9 2,935.0 3,116.2 3,339.5 3,266.8 3,039.1 2,072.2 1,546.3 1,539.5 1,520.2 1,589.2 1,689.7 1,643.2
Vas county 406.8 224.3 232.2 325.3 373.7 469.1 567.2 565.7 581.9 591.8 636.1 634.1 568.8 600.2 699.2 762.8
Zala county 84.8 71.5 72.4 89.5 96.6 81.6 80.1 93.0 103.4 112.6 123.2 124.1 122.5 117.7 92.8 110.2
Western Transdanubia region 1,222.2 952.0 953.1 2,338.6 3,405.4 3,666.9 3,986.8 3,925.5 3,724.3 2,776.7 2,305.6 2,297.7 2,211.5 2,307.1 2,481.6 2,516.2
Baranya county 91.7 85.4 88.5 171.6 164.4 151.0 157.2 156.8 161.0 151.1 158.9 150.2 172.7 188.3 218.2 236.6
Somogy county 119.8 99.3 86.7 104.9 81.6 86.6 98.4 121.8 83.2 82.1 29.1 100.7 136.2 264.8 125.2 149.3
Tolna county 22.3 23.5 25.0 32.1 34.8 33.7 36.1 41.7 73.7 82.1 107.0 133.4 108.4 114.9 161.7 210.3
Southern Transdanubia region 233.8 208.2 200.3 308.6 280.7 271.2 291.7 320.4 317.9 315.3 295.0 384.3 417.2 568.0 505.2 596.2
Transdanubia large region 2,771.0 2,386.9 2,417.8 4,057.9 5,310.0 5,640.5 6,190.1 6,415.8 6,481.7 6,126.8 5,854.6 6,542.0 6,631.3 7,424.7 8,634.0 8,904.2
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county 257.5 253.3 325.8 336.1 262.7 271.9 450.7 503.2 682.3 846.3 1,110.8 1,253.0 1,505.9 1,797.3 2,054.0 2,050.8
Heves county 205.9 207.2 224.1 255.4 262.5 267.0 320.6 355.8 351.8 452.4 440.9 480.2 485.9 497.9 589.6 610.2
Nógrád county 49.8 52.2 54.1 41.2 46.1 42.3 51.1 65.3 68.4 82.1 88.9 101.5 109.3 125.5 160.8 145.6
Northern Hungary region 513.2 512.8 604.0 632.7 571.4 581.2 822.4 924.3 1,102.6 1,380.8 1,640.6 1,834.6 2,101.1 2,420.7 2,804.4 2,806.6
Hajdú-Bihar county 354.8 411.6 419.1 493.1 462.7 38.9 700.9 467.6 406.3 396.6 357.3 348.5 1,126.2 1,515.9 1,896.2 2,166.0
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county 130.8 170.4 185.0 251.9 142.0 156.0 181.5 210.9 211.8 338.8 370.0 512.8 594.8 695.2 743.1 605.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county 134.0 136.2 208.0 237.0 242.2 281.2 391.3 383.4 409.6 401.3 436.0 441.3 448.1 473.9 623.5 812.6
Norther Great Plain region 619.7 718.2 812.1 982.0 846.8 476.1 1,273.8 1,061.9 1,027.7 1,136.7 1,163.3 1,302.6 2,169.1 2,685.0 3,262.8 3,583.6
Bács-Kiskun county 106.5 115.8 103.4 164.6 280.2 310.9 282.0 277.2 461.2 408.1 477.7 518.8 505.1 558.6 699.4 670.2
Békés county 49.1 56.1 72.3 73.6 55.9 59.1 62.6 70.2 87.7 98.0 112.4 126.5 189.5 219.7 559.7 530.7
Csongrád-Csanád county 289.7 310.3 330.9 274.1 271.9 284.1 353.0 322.1 321.7 199.5 168.4 184.6 202.2 211.2 213.1 237.4
Southern Great Plain region 445.3 482.2 506.6 512.4 607.9 654.1 697.6 669.5 870.6 705.6 758.5 829.9 896.8 989.5 1,472.2 1,438.2
Great Plain and North large region 1,578.2 1,713.2 1,922.6 2,127.1 2,026.2 1,711.4 2,793.8 2,655.6 3,000.9 3,223.0 3,562.4 3,967.1 5,167.1 6,095.2 7,539.4 7,828.4
Not allocatedd 340.4 322.5 330.0 329.1 319.7 325.4 363.4 431.4 498.4 581.8 691.8 803.9 858.1 1,071.1 1,294.6 1,394.5
Totale country 16,639.7 18,846.0 19,138.0 21,193.2 23,268.7 23,576.7 25,771.1 24,359.8 23,740.5 23,351.9 24,894.8 26,757.8 29,417.5 33,342.2 39,111.7 40,533.3


aPlanning and statistical region and capital according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly capital.
bPlanning and statistical region and county according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly county.
cStatistical large region according to the territorial code system in force since 1 January 2018, formerly planning and statistical region and statistical large region.
dIncluding other investment that cannot be broken down.
eTogether with the not allocated investment.
Source: National Bank of Hungary (MNB).