Period Specialized and non-specialized food shops Non-food shops Total retail sales except automotive fuela Automotive fuel sales Total retail salesa Motor vehicles and vehicle parts sales
in stores not in stores totala
predominantly food and beverages food, beverages and tobacco total manufactured goods in non-specialized shops textiles, clothing, footwear furniture and electrical goods books, computer equipment and others, total books, newspapers computer equipment and others pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetics articles, total pharmaceutical and medical goods cosmetics articles second-hand goods mail order and internet market and other non-store
Monthly data
2020 January 104.6 105.7 104.8 120.2 108.0 106.2 118.2 101.6 121.1 103.9 101.4 109.0 109.6 128.7 107.7 112.9 108.5 101.5 107.3 129.8
February 111.2 109.2 110.7 122.9 106.2 104.9 118.5 101.8 121.2 115.2 115.0 115.6 100.4 134.8 102.8 115.6 112.9 101.4 111.0 118.4
March 114.8 105.6 112.7 101.0 47.0 93.3 87.9 71.7 90.0 141.8 154.9 119.0 75.5 154.1 98.6 103.1 108.3 85.4 104.5 96.9
April 101.2 90.5 98.6 92.0 10.3 75.6 62.6 33.6 66.3 85.1 94.5 71.0 21.0 169.0 75.2 79.8 90.0 74.2 87.3 66.7
May 103.4 97.1 101.9 118.0 60.0 99.5 84.8 52.3 88.9 83.6 83.8 83.1 52.8 146.2 77.8 96.7 99.5 84.7 96.9 76.0
June 98.7 98.4 98.6 114.4 86.3 107.1 108.1 82.7 111.2 98.6 97.9 99.8 77.5 150.3 101.3 108.8 103.3 91.1 101.2 94.0
July 103.6 103.3 103.5 107.6 102.1 84.9 95.3 77.3 97.5 105.9 103.8 109.1 84.8 137.1 100.8 103.2 103.4 93.5 101.6 101.1
August 100.0 99.4 99.9 101.8 91.5 80.5 94.4 80.6 96.7 102.3 102.2 102.4 83.9 127.7 93.6 97.5 98.8 95.3 98.2 94.1
September 102.1 101.0 101.8 100.6 79.2 79.0 92.7 73.6 95.7 107.6 109.2 104.9 82.5 136.0 103.2 97.3 99.7 91.5 98.3 101.8
October 102.4 97.3 101.1 97.7 88.4 77.8 90.7 72.3 93.2 99.3 103.8 92.4 82.1 141.0 100.5 97.2 99.3 89.4 97.6 83.0
November 102.9 97.7 101.7 97.4 72.8 79.6 91.0 73.8 93.6 108.9 115.5 98.5 73.3 151.0 102.8 101.1 101.4 91.8 99.9 85.4
December 102.4 99.8 101.8 96.4 66.7 82.3 89.1 77.5 91.3 98.2 102.5 93.2 71.8 152.4 103.7 97.1 99.6 90.1 98.3 83.1
2021 January 103.6 95.5 101.6 109.2 78.0 85.7 81.8 52.9 86.2 89.8 86.5 96.3 72.1 134.9 98.0 96.5 99.3 90.7 97.9 82.4
February 97.4 93.2 96.4 103.7 75.1 80.5 81.9 54.1 85.7 89.2 88.5 90.6 71.8 137.5 96.1 94.7 95.7 90.5 94.8 81.3
March 101.5 98.0 100.7 104.7 50.5 53.5 75.1 40.2 78.9 83.4 80.8 89.3 41.1 145.8 102.9 89.9 96.1 102.6 97.0 103.0
April 99.6 102.9 100.3 116.6 621.5 96.4 132.8 126.3 133.2 116.1 110.5 127.3 314.2 115.9 89.1 124.2 109.8 119.5 110.9 133.8
May 102.3 102.4 102.3 103.6 156.1 79.9 110.6 96.9 111.6 118.1 117.7 118.7 145.4 113.6 90.6 108.5 105.0 110.5 105.7 119.6
June 108.3 103.1 107.0 109.6 115.6 77.4 94.3 73.0 96.2 111.2 113.1 108.2 132.3 123.0 103.6 103.7 105.4 110.6 106.1 103.2
July 105.2 98.9 103.5 101.2 108.7 91.5 96.9 81.2 98.5 100.5 100.8 99.9 104.1 108.9 102.3 101.1 102.4 102.2 102.4 91.7
August 103.1 97.6 101.7 105.4 121.6 97.4 98.4 88.1 99.8 108.5 109.3 107.2 114.9 129.8 83.7 109.7 105.1 103.3 104.8 99.0
September 103.7 101.1 103.0 101.9 125.8 94.8 102.3 87.2 104.1 108.3 109.1 106.8 114.5 118.4 93.4 108.1 105.4 109.1 105.9 98.8
October 104.0 101.4 103.4 102.7 119.1 92.7 104.1 84.9 106.2 109.5 109.7 109.2 115.8 110.4 86.2 105.9 104.6 111.7 105.6 96.2
November 102.3 101.7 102.1 102.7 132.5 94.2 101.9 86.2 103.8 110.7 112.2 108.0 126.6 107.6 86.7 106.8 104.4 106.7 104.7 102.8
December 102.4 102.6 102.5 104.9 144.5 102.2 106.7 98.3 108.0 113.9 115.4 111.9 135.4 110.3 93.0 112.0 106.8 112.1 107.4 95.7
2022 January 98.8 102.8 99.8 96.4 117.3 94.6 104.4 105.7 104.2 119.4 126.7 106.5 135.3 110.1 86.7 107.4 103.1 111.3 104.3 97.0
February 102.9 103.6 103.1 111.9 141.1 107.4 115.0 119.4 114.6 115.7 117.2 112.9 148.6 112.9 92.3 115.3 108.4 118.6 109.9 112.0
March 96.0 100.8 97.1 116.7 424.5 172.7 158.8 190.5 157.1 106.2 103.1 112.7 321.8 90.9 92.7 129.3 109.7 150.8 115.9 111.4
April 110.5 108.8 110.1 111.3 167.1 111.4 127.2 149.8 125.8 114.9 110.6 122.4 147.3 95.6 94.1 115.2 112.3 135.7 115.9 104.5
May 102.2 104.9 102.9 107.7 135.3 101.7 111.2 115.9 110.9 115.9 117.6 113.0 158.2 108.9 94.6 112.5 107.2 139.1 112.2 107.9
June 98.7 102.0 99.5 96.8 103.3 92.9 102.8 114.6 102.0 106.8 108.3 104.2 110.1 96.3 87.0 99.4 99.5 123.5 103.3 102.5
July 96.8 98.4 97.2 103.0 106.7 95.4 103.6 100.1 103.9 105.0 108.9 99.0 111.7 96.7 73.7 100.7 98.7 125.7 103.2 100.9
August 96.2 101.3 97.5 102.3 99.0 100.6 104.7 96.4 105.7 105.7 110.6 98.1 108.8 98.7 81.9 101.4 99.2 119.4 102.7 110.2
September 96.5 98.6 97.0 108.1 113.8 99.8 102.6 97.6 103.1 98.8 101.4 93.9 120.4 95.8 79.7 101.8 99.2 118.0 102.5 97.4
October 92.6 99.1 94.2 105.2 98.9 97.3 98.5 94.7 98.9 98.4 99.2 97.0 110.0 102.0 72.3 99.5 96.7 119.6 100.7 99.5
November 91.4 99.2 93.3 100.7 113.1 97.8 104.1 98.5 104.7 95.1 94.0 97.3 109.8 95.0 79.5 99.4 96.3 127.5 101.3 98.7
December 89.4 99.1 91.6 94.5 109.2 92.0 102.4 92.5 103.9 105.1 108.3 101.0 131.3 88.2 73.9 97.4 94.4 99.7 95.1 95.6
2023 January 93.3 100.9 95.2 98.9 115.4 92.6 105.9 104.5 106.0 99.2 96.8 104.2 102.6 96.2 77.5 99.8 97.2 90.5 96.1 100.9
February 90.4 94.7 91.4 81.3 95.8 80.7 96.0 87.6 96.7 102.8 103.9 100.8 107.9 89.4 70.9 91.1 91.3 84.8 90.2 98.1
March 90.2 96.9 91.8 85.4 95.3 78.5 94.9 107.3 94.0 102.5 103.9 99.8 111.8 90.4 82.3 91.2 91.5 70.5 87.4 98.6
April 87.0 94.1 88.7 82.2 90.6 77.8 86.3 88.1 86.1 101.9 103.7 99.3 98.6 88.6 77.6 88.0 88.4 76.5 86.3 90.6
May 91.9 95.6 92.8 80.4 84.4 77.7 93.5 94.7 93.4 104.2 107.0 99.7 83.6 90.2 87.5 88.6 90.9 73.7 87.6 95.4
June 94.9 96.4 95.3 89.6 100.2 87.7 97.4 93.1 97.7 107.0 108.3 105.1 97.7 97.3 93.1 96.7 95.9 76.6 92.2 94.7
July 96.0 96.3 96.1 89.4 98.0 84.1 94.6 92.1 94.8 103.9 103.5 104.5 94.8 103.1 101.8 95.9 96.0 78.6 92.7 97.1
August 96.0 96.5 96.1 89.9 97.1 85.7 94.4 92.4 94.6 106.3 102.4 112.0 99.6 100.0 110.7 96.0 96.1 80.6 93.2 104.1
September 97.6 99.1 97.9 86.4 81.0 83.7 93.7 97.1 93.4 106.4 103.2 111.7 83.3 97.3 98.5 92.0 95.3 78.8 92.4 102.3
October 98.5 96.9 98.1 87.4 91.7 84.7 96.6 95.1 96.7 107.2 105.8 109.2 92.1 97.7 114.8 94.9 96.7 78.9 93.5 108.9
November 100.0 97.4 99.4 90.8 90.1 92.3 94.9 92.3 95.2 103.5 102.4 105.1 95.9 99.7 95.4 96.1 97.8 78.6 94.6 99.8
December 102.4 97.6 101.3 95.3 94.0 89.0 96.2 93.0 96.7 103.0 100.1 106.3 81.9 91.8 106.7 94.8 98.4 102.6 99.0 104.2
2024 January 101.0 97.9 100.2 93.6 91.9 91.9 94.5 90.2 94.9 108.0 105.5 111.9 91.7 104.3 111.2 99.1 99.8 104.6 100.6 97.7
February 105.5 106.9 105.8 103.4 102.5 95.9 101.0 95.4 101.4 107.8 105.5 111.5 92.4 100.9 123.0 102.3 104.4 105.9 104.6 113.0
March 109.8 105.1 108.6 101.8 99.4 89.7 98.9 90.9 99.5 100.3 94.9 109.0 90.0 95.4 101.4 97.3 104.0 101.6 103.6 104.3
April 100.6 101.5 100.8 100.3 106.5 104.4 103.6 86.5 104.9 107.8 106.4 109.6 110.4 118.1 121.1 108.0 103.8 103.6 103.7 125.8
May 106.8 104.6 106.3 97.0 100.0 101.2 97.7 91.4 98.2 108.1 105.4 112.1 106.0 103.2 110.1 101.8 104.4 99.3 103.6 105.2
June 103.9 99.4 102.8 95.1 102.1 99.1 95.0 89.9 95.4 104.9 100.9 110.4 91.8 107.5 103.6 101.3 102.2 99.4 101.7 118.2
July 102.7 101.2 102.3 102.2 98.3 106.7 100.0 93.4 100.6 111.9 111.2 112.8 102.3 112.9 115.0 106.3 103.9 100.5 103.3 101.8
August 108.8 102.5 107.3 96.9 98.4 101.4 99.7 94.7 100.2 105.0 104.8 105.2 89.7 100.0 104.8 100.5 104.5 97.7 103.2 83.2
September 102.7 97.7 101.5 101.0 111.1 103.9 98.3 92.7 98.9 106.7 106.3 107.2 99.8 110.8 102.2 105.7 103.2 95.0 101.7 100.7
Cumulated data from the beginning of the year
2024 January–September 104.7 101.8 104.0 99.0 101.2 99.6 98.7 91.8 99.3 106.7 104.4 109.9 97.1 105.8 109.5 102.5 103.4 100.6 102.9 105.1
Quarterly data
2020 Q1 110.4 106.8 109.6 112.9 83.4 100.8 106.6 91.6 108.9 120.0 122.9 114.6 93.8 139.5 102.8 110.1 109.8 95.5 107.4 114.1
Q2 101.1 95.4 99.7 107.9 53.9 94.2 85.0 55.6 88.7 88.9 91.9 84.2 50.9 154.9 84.2 95.2 97.6 83.4 95.2 78.9
Q3 101.9 101.2 101.7 103.3 90.4 81.4 94.2 77.3 96.7 105.3 105.1 105.5 83.7 133.8 99.4 99.3 100.6 93.5 99.4 99.0
Q4 102.6 98.3 101.6 97.1 75.3 79.9 90.1 75.1 92.6 101.8 107.1 94.5 75.8 148.8 102.3 98.4 100.0 90.4 98.6 83.8
2021 Q1 100.8 95.7 99.6 105.7 70.8 72.5 79.7 49.9 83.7 87.1 84.8 91.9 62.4 139.9 99.1 93.6 97.0 94.2 96.6 88.5
Q2 103.3 102.8 103.2 109.5 160.9 83.3 109.3 91.7 110.7 115.0 113.6 117.3 160.9 117.4 95.0 111.0 106.6 113.0 107.4 117.0
Q3 104.0 99.2 102.7 102.8 118.4 94.5 99.1 85.8 100.7 105.7 106.5 104.5 111.1 118.6 93.7 106.2 104.3 104.7 104.3 96.3
Q4 102.9 101.9 102.7 103.5 131.7 96.5 104.5 91.5 106.2 111.5 112.4 110.0 125.3 109.3 88.5 108.4 105.3 110.2 106.0 98.2
2022 Q1 99.0 102.3 99.8 108.9 175.9 120.1 124.6 129.0 124.2 113.3 114.7 110.7 178.4 103.1 90.6 117.4 107.2 128.0 110.3 106.9
Q2 103.6 105.1 104.0 105.0 129.3 101.5 112.9 124.9 112.1 112.4 112.1 112.9 135.3 100.2 91.5 108.7 106.1 132.4 110.2 104.9
Q3 96.5 99.4 97.3 104.4 106.4 98.6 103.6 97.8 104.2 103.0 106.7 97.0 114.0 97.0 78.0 101.3 99.1 121.0 102.8 102.6
Q4 91.0 99.1 92.9 99.9 107.0 95.5 101.8 94.6 102.6 99.8 100.4 98.7 117.1 94.3 75.2 98.7 95.7 115.9 98.8 98.0
2023 Q1 91.2 97.5 92.7 87.7 101.4 83.3 98.4 99.3 98.3 101.5 101.5 101.5 107.7 92.0 77.1 93.8 93.2 80.5 90.9 99.1
Q2 91.3 95.4 92.3 84.0 91.6 81.0 92.4 92.0 92.4 104.4 106.3 101.4 92.5 91.9 86.6 91.1 91.7 75.6 88.7 93.7
Q3 96.5 97.3 96.7 88.6 91.7 84.5 94.3 93.8 94.3 105.6 103.0 109.4 91.7 100.0 103.0 94.6 95.8 79.4 92.8 101.2
Q4 100.5 97.3 99.7 91.2 92.1 88.7 96.0 93.3 96.2 104.4 102.6 106.8 89.4 96.4 105.4 95.3 97.7 86.4 95.9 104.2
2024 Q1 105.6 103.3 105.1 99.8 97.8 92.3 98.2 92.1 98.7 105.2 101.7 110.7 91.3 100.1 111.0 99.4 102.7 104.0 103.0 105.2
Q2 103.8 101.8 103.3 97.4 102.8 101.5 98.6 89.3 99.3 106.9 104.2 110.7 102.2 109.4 110.3 103.6 103.4 100.8 103.0 115.9
Q3 104.8 100.5 103.7 100.0 102.4 103.9 99.4 93.7 99.9 107.8 107.3 108.3 97.3 107.8 107.5 104.1 103.9 97.7 102.8 94.9


aFrom January 2020 data also include market and other non-store retail sales.