Construction Groups 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Previous quarter = 100.0%
111 One-dwelling buildings 102.8 101.4 101.1 101.0 103.3 103.9 105.6 104.5 106.3 106.8 105.3 104.7 104.7 102.0 101.3 100.8 102.0 101.0 100.9 101.0
112 Two- and more dwelling buildings 102.8 101.4 101.1 100.9 103.3 103.8 105.4 104.4 106.3 106.7 105.2 104.7 104.6 101.9 101.2 100.8 102.0 100.9 100.9 101.1
113 Residences for communities 102.8 101.3 101.1 101.1 103.4 103.7 105.4 104.6 106.0 106.8 105.1 104.8 104.9 102.0 101.3 100.6 102.0 100.9 100.9 101.0
121 Hotels and similar buildings 102.7 101.4 101.1 101.0 103.4 104.0 105.4 104.4 106.2 106.9 105.1 104.7 104.7 102.0 101.4 100.9 102.2 101.0 100.9 101.1
122 Office buildings 102.8 102.3 101.3 101.3 103.2 103.6 104.8 105.0 106.1 106.1 105.8 104.7 105.0 101.4 101.3 100.8 101.6 101.1 101.5 101.1
123 Wholesale and retail trade buildings 102.7 101.9 101.1 101.1 103.9 104.1 105.4 104.6 106.0 107.0 105.2 104.6 104.6 101.1 101.2 100.7 101.6 100.9 101.1 101.3
124 Traffic and communication buildings 102.5 101.6 100.8 101.1 103.6 104.2 105.1 104.6 105.9 106.9 105.4 104.8 104.6 102.0 101.6 100.9 102.2 101.1 100.9 101.0
125 Industrial buildings and warehouses 102.6 102.1 100.3 101.2 103.7 105.1 106.6 105.5 107.3 107.6 105.4 104.8 104.5 101.8 101.9 101.0 102.6 100.8 100.7 101.1
126 Public entertainment, education, hospital or institutional care buildings 102.9 101.4 101.1 101.0 103.5 103.9 105.6 104.5 106.4 106.7 105.2 104.6 104.7 101.9 101.4 100.9 102.0 100.9 100.9 101.0
211 Highways, streets and roads 102.6 101.4 101.0 101.0 102.1 102.7 102.7 103.8 104.8 106.6 105.9 104.9 104.1 101.8 101.6 101.2 102.4 101.2 101.0 100.8
221 Long-distance pipelines, communication and electricity lines 101.9 101.6 101.0 100.8 102.0 102.4 102.7 102.7 103.7 106.1 104.8 105.4 104.9 102.2 101.6 101.4 102.1 101.5 101.4 101.5
222 Local pipelines and cables 102.1 101.9 101.1 100.9 102.0 102.7 103.7 103.5 104.9 105.7 105.0 106.0 104.6 102.5 101.6 101.3 102.4 101.3 101.0 101.4
Corresponding period of previous year = 100.0%
111 One-dwelling buildings 108.2 107.4 106.8 106.4 106.9 109.6 114.5 118.4 121.9 125.3 124.9 125.1 123.2 117.7 113.2 109.1 106.3 105.2 104.7 104.9
112 Two- and more dwelling buildings 108.1 107.3 106.8 106.4 106.9 109.4 114.1 118.0 121.4 124.8 124.6 124.9 123.0 117.4 112.9 108.7 106.0 105.0 104.7 105.0
113 Residences for communities 108.0 107.1 106.6 106.5 107.0 109.6 114.3 118.2 121.2 124.7 124.4 124.6 123.4 117.9 113.6 109.1 106.0 104.9 104.5 104.9
121 Hotels and similar buildings 108.0 107.3 106.8 106.4 107.1 109.8 114.5 118.3 121.6 125.1 124.7 125.0 123.3 117.5 113.3 109.2 106.6 105.5 105.1 105.3
122 Office buildings 108.2 108.6 108.0 107.9 108.4 109.8 113.5 117.6 120.9 123.8 125.1 124.7 123.4 117.9 112.9 108.7 105.2 104.9 105.1 105.4
123 Wholesale and retail trade buildings 109.5 108.7 107.6 107.0 108.1 110.5 115.3 119.2 121.7 125.0 124.8 124.9 123.2 116.5 112.0 107.9 104.8 104.6 104.5 105.0
124 Traffic and communication buildings 108.8 107.8 106.5 106.3 107.4 110.1 114.8 118.7 121.4 124.6 124.9 125.0 123.4 117.7 113.5 109.4 106.9 106 105.2 105.3
125 Industrial buildings and warehouses 108.5 108.0 106.2 106.2 107.4 110.6 117.5 122.5 126.8 129.8 128.3 127.6 124.3 117.6 113.7 109.5 107.5 106.4 105.1 105.3
126 Public entertainment, education, hospital or institutional care buildings 108.3 107.6 106.9 106.5 107.1 109.7 114.6 118.6 122.0 125.3 124.9 124.9 122.9 117.3 113.1 109.0 106.2 105.2 104.7 104.9
211 Highways, streets and roads 108.5 107.4 106.2 106.1 105.6 107.0 108.8 111.9 114.9 119.2 122.9 124.1 123.3 117.8 113.0 109.1 107.3 106.7 106.0 105.5
221 Long-distance pipelines, communication and electricity lines 106.4 105.7 105.6 105.5 105.6 106.4 108.3 110.2 112.0 116.0 118.4 121.5 123.0 118.5 114.9 110.5 107.5 106.7 106.5 106.6
222 Local pipelines and cables 107.5 107.2 106.7 106.2 106.0 106.9 109.6 112.4 115.6 119.0 120.5 123.5 123.0 119.3 115.4 110.3 108.0 106.8 106.2 106.2
Cumulated from the beginning of the year, corresponding period of previous year = 100.0%
111 One-dwelling buildings 108.2 107.8 107.5 107.2 106.9 108.3 110.3 112.3 121.9 123.6 124.0 124.3 123.2 120.4 118.0 115.8 106.3 105.7 105.4 105.3
112 Two- and more dwelling buildings 108.1 107.7 107.4 107.1 106.9 108.1 110.1 112.1 121.4 123.1 123.6 123.9 123.0 120.2 117.8 115.5 106.0 105.5 105.2 105.2
113 Residences for communities 108.0 107.6 107.3 107.1 107.0 108.3 110.3 112.3 121.2 123.0 123.4 123.7 123.4 120.6 118.3 116.0 106.0 105.4 105.1 105.0
121 Hotels and similar buildings 108.0 107.7 107.4 107.1 107.1 108.5 110.5 112.4 121.6 123.3 123.8 124.1 123.3 120.4 118.0 115.8 106.6 106.0 105.7 105.6
122 Office buildings 108.2 108.4 108.3 108.2 108.4 109.1 110.5 112.3 120.9 122.4 123.3 123.6 123.4 120.7 118.1 115.7 105.2 105.0 105.1 105.1
123 Wholesale and retail trade buildings 109.5 109.1 108.6 108.2 108.1 109.3 111.3 113.3 121.7 123.3 123.8 124.1 123.2 119.8 117.2 114.9 104.8 104.7 104.6 104.7
124 Traffic and communication buildings 108.8 108.3 107.7 107.4 107.4 108.7 110.7 112.7 121.4 123.0 123.6 124.0 123.4 120.6 118.2 116.0 106.9 106.4 106.0 105.8
125 Industrial buildings and warehouses 108.5 108.3 107.6 107.2 107.4 109.0 111.8 114.5 126.8 128.3 128.3 128.1 124.3 120.9 118.5 116.3 107.5 106.9 106.3 106.1
126 Public entertainment, education, hospital or institutional care buildings 108.3 107.9 107.6 107.3 107.1 108.4 110.5 112.5 122.0 123.6 124.1 124.3 122.9 120.1 117.8 115.6 106.2 105.7 105.4 105.3
211 Highways, streets and roads 108.5 107.9 107.4 107.0 105.6 106.3 107.1 108.3 114.9 117.0 119.0 120.3 123.3 120.6 118.1 115.8 107.3 107.0 106.6 106.3
221 Long-distance pipelines, communication and electricity lines 106.4 106.0 105.9 105.8 105.6 106.0 106.8 107.6 112.0 114.0 115.5 117.0 123.0 120.7 118.8 116.7 107.5 107.1 106.9 106.8
222 Local pipelines and cables 107.5 107.3 107.1 106.9 106.0 106.4 107.5 108.7 115.6 117.3 118.4 119.6 123.0 121.2 119.3 117.0 108.0 107.4 107.0 106.8