Denomination 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fertilizers, HUF/ta
Ammonium nitrate 34% 49,645 54,005 75,640 73,711 64,964 82,558 88,791 85,874 84,956 87,925 79,650 74,820 74,810 78,611 72,210 109,650 304,710 233,900
Urea 46,3% 50,412 65,197 88,452 91,272 74,186 93,378 114,101 97,820 93,927 98,106 84,850 80,120 82,630 97,732 90,140 149,210 346,210 240,960
CAN 27% 40,132 44,524 65,992 62,529 52,077 68,986 77,151 74,013 72,758 74,728 62,860 56,600 59,210 64,544 56,200 109,280 254,220 163,890
UAN 30% 40,607 44,359 67,609 73,678 50,420 65,620 71,149 66,993 66,142 70,689 63,220 55,220 56,730 66,651 57,520 77,080 269,360 178,230
Super-phosphate 20% 30,130 33,970 77,944 55,152 57,372 77,127 78,125 73,089 61,689 63,638 66,050 61,800 61,300 61,886 67,680 90,500 ... ..
Muriate of potash 60% 50,437 51,290 120,065 119,297 88,475 105,982 113,195 109,244 95,965 101,844 89,540 90,550 97,780 105,991 101,070 117,580 343,060 189,560
Binary fertiliser 11–53% 68,416 92,140 187,696 99,331 129,508 155,245 170,172 140,675 140,300 161,429 126,840 123,270 136,600 140,973 123,490 193,360 473,940 222,640
Ternary fertilizer 8–20–30% 72,209 80,637 143,853 127,769 112,975 136,759 151,466 146,149 126,349 133,907 118,200 113,240 123,580 127,954 116,930 140,010 326,040 214,180
Ternary fertilizer 8–21–21% 69,266 68,100 138,421 107,992 103,564 126,208 143,902 134,254 125,562 127,124 113,210 109,510 120,430 123,940 118,500 145,960 334,780 247,400
Ternary fertilizer 15–15–15 % 56,137 61,392 117,331 96,728 88,152 101,297 125,852 116,997 104,745 113,295 102,650 91,720 98,850 104,975 100,010 136,360 317,100 200,340
Compound feedingstuffs, HUF/t
Complete feed for broiler production I 59,355 69,427 85,601 75,688 ... ... 102,348 111,554 101,977 99,471 97,479 93,930 97,678 98,790 100,243 116,236 156,571 165,052
Complete feed for broiler production II 54,681 65,889 81,747 71,211 ... ... 97,178 105,209 95,589 92,769 91,870 89,664 91,355 92,792 93,032 109,800 152,418 157,069
Complete feed for broiler production III 50,886 63,749 79,499 65,943 ... ... 93,493 101,062 90,832 88,882 87,586 84,281 89,316 92,614 92,947 116,391 173,123 176,323
Complete feed for rearing turkeys I 60,673 70,134 88,391 84,423 ... ... 105,414 115,172 107,925 115,920 114,741 106,820 108,946 110,206 114,503 133,291 187,589 187,748
Complete feed for rearing turkeys II 50,360 59,928 77,573 69,968 ... ... 93,772 100,941 98,508 94,855 90,701 89,243 91,408 91,423 93,335 115,381 169,211 163,547
Complete feed for rearing turkeys III 43,608 53,990 72,106 60,438 ... ... 86,089 92,917 85,450 83,941 83,654 79,420 80,778 82,965 82,149 101,972 156,275 154,059
Complete feed for rearing piglets 70,534 78,201 93,559 83,866 ... ... 103,573 110,555 106,352 106,163 106,513 99,465 104,111 109,977 112,385 125,370 171,856 173,614
Comple- mentary feed for piglets 156,774 170,850 180,137 170,098 171,372 187,816 188,794 198,913 184,351 188,462 ... 204,081 ... ... ... ... ... ...
Complete feed for fattening pigs I 44,682 57,853 72,724 64,121 65,138 76,366 83,273 88,284 78,914 77,600 73,790 70,031 71,365 78,529 77,197 90,399 134,326 135,389
Complete feed for fattening pigs II 44,943 54,934 68,395 53,464 57,140 72,233 77,659 79,865 71,391 70,810 68,493 65,540 69,168 73,538 72,321 87,983 114,120 116,184
Complete feed for dairy cow 52,793 59,707 70,107 61,299 ... ... 93,049 100,760 87,353 81,690 75,075 83,765 98,554 95,058 94,107 113,475 148,326 158,891


aThe price of fertilizers have stemmed from the data collection of Research Institute of Agricultural Economics since 2009.