Residential mortgages, 2023

Methodological notes

Data are supplied in the framework of data collection No. 1868 entitled ‘Report on residential home lending’. The reporting obligation is ordered by Government Decree 288/2009 (XII.5) on data collections and data receptions of the National Data Collection Programme.

Personal loans are not subject to this survey.

The classification of loans extended by credit institutions is regulated by MNB Decree 39/2016 (X.11.) on non-performing exposures and prudential requirements for restructured claims. Therefore, the section entitled 'Rating of home loans' has changed in the publication according to the following categories: the concepts of ‘performing exposure’ and ‘non performing exposure’ has been introduced, including restructured performing and non-performing exposures.

Purposes of mortgages and subsidies:

  • construction: building a new home, adding a new floor with mansard rooms to a detached or a semi-detached house, mansard loft conversions in case of a builder with three or more children
  • new home purchase: buying of a new home built for sale
  • purchase of a second hand home: buying of a resale home marketed in the secondary home market
  • modernization, extension: an increase in the comfort of the dwelling as a result of modernization; an increase of at least one additional room in the floor area of the dwelling
  • loan conversion: repayment of former mortgage
  • other: home purposes not covered by the above purposes

Changes affecting residential home lending:

In the first half of 2023, out of the financial institutes engaged in residential housing loan activities, 13 banks, 3 mortgage banks and 3 home savings banks provided data.


– = The observed statistical phenomenon did not occur.

.. = Data not known.

= The value of the indicator is so small that it gives zero when rounded.