HCSO–ingatlan.com-rent index, December 2024

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Following a decline in the previous months, asking rents rose by 1.3% in December 2024 nationally and by 1.0% in Budapest compared with the previous month. December rents were 9.3% higher nationally and 9.6% higher in Budapest than in the same period last year, and 113% and 103% higher than in the base period of 2015. The real rent index exceeded the 2015 base by 27% nationally and by 21% in the capital. Compared to the previous month, the real rent index rose slightly both nationally and in Budapest.

In Budapest, asking rents rose by 1.7% in the Buda hill districts and fell by 1.2% in the 'other districts' of Buda compared with the previous month. On the Pest side, asking rents exceeded the previous month in all area categories, by more than 1% in the transitional districts and by 0.9% and 0.6% respectively in the inner and outer districts. Over a year, rents increased by between 6.3% and 12.0% in the capital's district groups, with the highest increase in the transitional districts of Pest (12.0%).

In 2024, the vast majority (92%) of the advertisements observed were for flats in multi-dwelling buildings, with the remaining 8% or so for detached houses. In Budapest, only 3.3% of dwellings for rent were detached houses. In 2024, 43.4% of the advertisements taken into account nationally and 42.6% in the capital were from individuals.

Expected next release: 12 February 2025



Related data (HCSO Monitor)

HCSO-ingatlan.com rent index guide
