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9.5. Labour market flows

(supplementary questionnaire of the Labour Force Survey, Q1, 2016)

A supplementary survey called 'Labour Market Flows' was linked again to the Labour Force Survey, Q1 2016 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.

The aim of the survey was the complex examination of the 15–74 years old people in the following three themes:
– Labour market flow characteristic of those exiting or entering their employment status and within those who change their workplace
– mobility and migration intent
– agricultural work, including production for own consumption.

Concepts related to the survey:

Entrants are those who created an employment relationship at an employer, or membership relationship with the obligation to work, or outside worker relationship or entered into self-employment; i.e. those who created a labour relation in the reference year (From 1 January to 31 December).

1Out of the entrants the changers are those, who had left their previous job voluntarily or by force in the reference year but then they started working again People who exits are those, who cancel their employment relationship at an employer, or their membership relationship with the obligation to work, or their outside worker relationship or terminated their self-employment activity, i.e. from employment status they entered to unemployed or inactive status.

10.6% of the respondents aged 15–74 who answered the basic survey did not answer the supplementary survey Q1 2016.

The non-performance rates (rates of those who answered the basic survey but did not answer the supplementary survey) of the supplementary survey "Labour Market Flows", Q1 2016 (weighted data)

Denomination It concerns the respondent Non-performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total7 469 35446 2037 515 5580.6
male3 611 03922 7793 633 8180.6
female3 858 31523 4253 881 7400.6
Age group
15–241 071 9298 7151 080 6440.8
25–544 028 66924 9204 053 5890.6
55–742 368 75712 5682 381 3250.5
Highest level of education
primary1 765 5278 9541 774 4810.5
secondary4 216 70422 5244 239 2280.5
tertiary1 487 12314 7251 501 8481.0
County of place of residence
Budapest1 325 1346 0331 331 1670.5
Baranya274 9626 341281 3042.3
Bács-Kiskun391 3331 268392 6010.3
Békés261 7123 691265 4031.4
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén498 255991499 2460.2
Csongrád308 9011 025309 9260.3
Fejér323 495323 4950.0
Gyor-Moson-Sopron350 295978351 2740.3
Hajdú-Bihar407 368407 3680.0
Heves222 2794 179226 4581.8
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok279 4786 011285 4882.1
Komárom-Esztergom230 752230 7520.0
Nógrád149 149149 1490.0
Pest937 4116 956944 3680.7
Somogy232 1704 811236 9812.0
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg430 898430 8980.0
Tolna170 9991 323172 3220.8
Vas198 257171198 4290.1
Veszprém264 418246264 6640.1
Zala212 0862 179214 2641.0
Economic activity
employed4 234 39627 7704 262 1660.7
unemployed271 6541 125272 7780.4
inactive2 963 30517 3082 980 6130.6

There may be some differences between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers due to weighting and summing up. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was made electronically – without individual correction, so the sum of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

The weighted data and sample size of the questions related to "Labour Market Flows", Q1 2016

Denomination Male Female Total
weighted data sample weighted data sample weighted data sample
Total3 611 03921 3613 858 31523 4457 469 35444 806
Age group
15–24549 6813 146522 2482 9481 071 9296 094
25–542 019 78410 8732 008 88511 0444 028 66921 917
55–741 041 5747 3421 327 1839 4532 368 75716 795
Highest level of education
primary774 2495 320991 2787 4221 765 52712 742
secondary2 197 17913 2282 019 52511 9564 216 70425 184
tertiary639 6112 813847 5124 0671 487 1236 880
County of place of residence
Budapest616 2721 385708 8621 6621 325 1343 047
Baranya132 3181 060142 6441 164274 9622 224
Bács-Kiskun190 9751 505200 3581 688391 3333 193
Békés128 246901133 467936261 7121 837
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén241 7091 926256 5472 032498 2553 958
Csongrád148 629837160 271902308 9011 739
Fejér159 312980164 1841 037323 4952 017
Gyor-Moson-Sopron171 937904178 358892350 2951 796
Hajdú-Bihar198 4981 189208 8701 354407 3682 543
Heves107 064815115 215954222 2791 769
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok136 450843143 028962279 4781 805
Komárom-Esztergom112 145735118 607833230 7521 568
Nógrád72 89163776 258719149 1491 356
Pest456 7232 242480 6882 489937 4114 731
Somogy111 926797120 244837232 1701 634
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg211 2111 587219 6881 735430 8983 322
Tolna83 41461487 585678170 9991 292
Vas97 238837101 019865198 2571 702
Veszprém130 200850134 219909264 4181 759
Zala103 882717108 203797212 0861 514
Economic activity
employed2 298 96712 5651 935 42910 6364 234 39623 201
unemployed146 638858125 016725271 6541 583
inactive1 165 4357 9381 797 87012 0842 963 30520 022

The questionnaire contained the following questions.

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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