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9.3. Voluntary work

A supplementary survey called "Voluntary work" was linked to the Labour Force Survey, Q1 2014 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.

1.9% of the respondents aged 15–74 who answered the basic survey did not answer the supplementary survey Q1 2014.

The performance rate of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2014

Denomination It concerns the respondent Performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total7 446 056141 7737 587 82998.1
male3 589 70069 8683 659 56898.1
female3 856 35671 9053 928 26198.2
Age group
15–241 112 54520 4991 133 04398.2
25–543 997 48575 7764 073 26198.1
55–742 336 02645 4982 381 52498.1
Economic activity
employed3 961 602762444 037 84698.1
unemployed358 7245 377364 10198.5
economically inactive3 125 73060 1513 185 88198.1

42.0 % of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – other member of the family. The so-called proxy-interviews rate among men was very high, 52.2%, while for women this rate was 32.5%.

The proxy-interviews rate of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2014

Denomination Personally answered Proxy-interviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total4 319 2543 126 8027 446 05642.0
male1 716 0091 873 6913 589 70052.2
female2 603 2451 253 1113 856 35632.5
Age group
15–24301 740810 8051 112 54572.9
25–542 353 4611 644 0243 997 48541.1
55–741 664 053671 9732 336 02628.8
Economic activity
employed2 233 7071 727 8953 961 60243.6
unemployed217 162141 562358 72439.5
economically inactive1 868 3861 257 3443 125 73040.2

There may be some difference between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers due to the weighting and summing up. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was made electronically – without individual correction, so the sum of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

Used terms in the supplementary survey

Voluntary work:

Activity done
(i) directly or through organization(s),
(ii) on own free will, free of charge without compensation,
(iii) for others outside own household or for the society (group. wider community, animals, environment, etc.).
(Work performed for parents, children, relatives outside own household is also included.)


People aged 15–74 who indicated in the first question in the questionnaire that they did at least one kind of activity (regularly, occasionally or at least once in 12 months prior to the survey) (i) directly or through organization(s), (ii) on own free will, free of charge without compensation (iii) for others outside own household or for the society. Work performed for parents, children, relatives outside own household is also included.

People carrying out voluntary work directly

People aged 15–74 who have done voluntary work in their own organization without mediation in 12 months prior to the survey.

People carrying out voluntary work through organization(s)

People aged 15–74 who have done voluntary work for or through a non-profit or other organization in 12 months prior to the survey.

The annual number of hours worked in voluntary work

Total number of hours of voluntary work carried out directly or through organization(s) in 12 months prior to the survey. The time spent on voluntary work is estimated on the basis of the number of days and the minutes per day.

Annual average number of hours worked

Total number of hours per volunteer of voluntary work carried out directly and/or through organization(s) in 12 months prior to the survey.

Annual median number of hours

Number of hours for which half of the volunteers said that they worked more hours than that, and the other half said that they worked less hours in volutary work. (Median is the middle value of a sequenced data set, i.e. the value which separates the sorted data into two equal parts).

The weighted data and sample size of the supplementary survey "Voluntary work", Q1 2014

Characteristics Did Didn't do Total aged 15–74 Sample
voluntary work
% persons
Total34.365.7100.07 446 05648 505
Male33.666.4100.03 589 70023 165
Female35.065.0100.03 856 35625 340
Age groups
15–1924.675.4100.0510 1413 642
20–2427.172.9100.0602 4043 688
25–2929.270.8100.0591 1893 284
30–3433.866.2100.0655 4463 676
35–3935.664.4100.0832 6534 659
40–4438.661.4100.0700 1434 147
45–4941.059.0100.0632 6833 959
50–5439.860.2100.0585 3723 920
55–5938.261.8100.0718 9904 995
60–6437.962.1100.0658 0304 847
65–6934.865.2100.0527 9544 074
70–7425.075.0100.0431 0513 614
Highest level of education
Less than 8 grades of primary school23.376.7100.0125 1671 139
Primary school29.270.8100.01 720 16113 623
Vocational and apprentice school35.864.2100.01 830 85012 759
Secondary general school31.468.6100.0867 0574 963
Secondary vocational school37.362.7100.01 458 9348 776
Tertiary education38.561.5100.01 443 8877 245
Type of settlement
Village37.662.4100.02 490 36423 009
Town35.564.5100.03 632 35321 703
Budapest25.075.0100.01 323 3393 793
Economic activity
Employed37.362.7100.03 961 60323 360
Unemployed36.363.7100.0358 7242 220
Economically inactive30.469.6100.03 125 72922 925
County/region of residence
Central Hungary29.270.8100.02 228 8348 673
Budapest25.075.0100.01 323 3403 793
Pest35.264.8100.0905 4944 880
Central Transdanubia24.875.2100.0815 1095 630
Fejér25.274.8100.0324 4662 151
Komárom-Esztergom27.172.9100.0221 1771 541
Veszprém22.577.5100.0269 4661 938
Western Transdanubia34.265.8100.0723 8065 129
Győr-Moson-Sopron35.564.5100.0307 8501 585
Vas38.861.2100.0199 0381 849
Zala28.072.0100.0216 9181 695
Southern Transdanubia37.162.9100.0685 1835 679
Baranya33.266.8100.0275 5922 250
Somogy31.268.8100.0234 3421 924
Tolna51.148.9100.0175 2491 505
Northern Hungary36.463.6100.0888 6787 720
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén33.666.4100.0509 6184 202
Heves30.769.3100.0227 0401 987
Nógrád54.145.9100.0152 0201 531
Northern Great Plain46.153.9100.01 127 0478 410
Hajdú-Bihar36.363.7100.0407 5912 649
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok64.735.3100.0291 5752 087
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg42.857.2100.0427 8813 674
Southern Great Plain36.863.2100.0977 3997 264
Bács-Kiskun37.362.7100.0397 2253 750
Békés28.271.8100.0267 9311 757
Csongrád43.556.5100.0312 2431 757

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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