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9.10. Atypical work, telework

A supplementary survey called "Atypical work, telework" was linked to the Labour Force Survey, Q1 2018 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the core survey at the same time.

2.3% of the employed respondents aged 15–74 who answered the core survey did not answer the supplementary survey Q1 2018. Those who participate in the public employment supplementary training programme are considered as employed according to EU recommendations, however, they were excluded from the reference population of the supplementary survey due to their special position. Those who had not worked for 3 months at the time of the survey and had not received any benefit either, were excluded too.

The response rate of the supplementary survey "Atypical work, telework", Q1 2018

It concerns the respondent Performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total3 873 55292 3533 965 90597.7
Of which:
male2 067 39656 0782 123 47497.4
female1 806 15636 2741 842 43098.0
age group
15–24269 7848 842278 62696.8
25–543 000 26971 1783 071 44797.7
55–74690 18612 333615 83198.0
administrative classification of the residence
Budapest690 18619 812709 99897.2
Town with county rights738 74813 272752 02098.2
Other town1 147 48127 6811 175 16297.6
Village1 297 13731 5871 328 72497.6
educational attainment
Primary school468 92911 010479 93997.7
Secondary School
    without G.C.E1 097 90322 8161 120 71998.0
    with G.C.E1 285 43723 5421 308 97998.2
College, university, PhD, DLA1 021 28234 9841 056 26696.7

41.0% of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – another member of the family. The proxy-interview rate among men was very high, 49.0%, while for women this rate was 31.8%.

The proxy-interviews rate of the supplementary survey "Atypical work, telework", Q1 2018

Personally answered Proxy-onterviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total2 285 3181 588 2343 873 55241.0
Of which:
male1 053 3491 014 0472 067 39649.0
female1 231 969574 1871 806 15631.8
age group
15–24100 772169 012269 78462.6
25–541 797 4001 202 8693 000 26940.1
55–74387 145216 353603 49835.8
administrative classification of the residence
Budapest468 399221 787690 18632.1
Town with county rights460 671278 077738 74837.6
Other town647 193500 2881 147 48143.6
Village709 055588 0821 297 13745.3
educational attainment
Primary school258 217210 712468 92944.9
Secondary School
    without G.C.E606 762491 1411 097 90344.7
    with G.C.E757 827527 6101 285 43741.0
College, university, PhD, DLA662 511358 7711 021 28235.1

There may be some differences between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers due to weighting and summing up. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was made electronically – without individual correction, so the sum of partial data is not always equal to the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

If a variable (after weighting) involves an occurrence of 2,500 to 4,999 persons, the data are to be regarded with reservation because due to the high survey error rate they may be incorrect; in case of occurrence of fewer than 2,500 persons, the data are not usable.

The weighted data and sample size of the supplementary survey "Atypical work, telework", Q1 2018

Denomination Sample Weighted data
male of which:
does telework
female of which:
does telework
male of which:
does telework
female of which:
does telework
Total10 4972309 1282082 067 39577 8761 806 15666 194
Of which:
age group
15–2488695495160 4403 326109 3442 064
25–291 1432773319252 2578 674186 4308 009
30–341 2033376724254 23412 125175 9418 272
35–391 225431 10535277 80016 633234 64714 529
40–441 537401 49235327 07315 187304 88410 029
45–491 366361 44127264 9639 970278 0777 059
50–541 157171 35327211 5126 102232 4538 079
55–591 073131 10323175 8332 301188 0865 863
60–64833850110131 5443 03881 9741 430
65–7474484311 74152214 319859
educational attainment
Primary school1 60031 4703252 5111 628216 419829
Secondary school
    without G.C.E.4 396152 06610759 1492 956338 7541 437
    with G.C.E.2 897563 26069602 96317 129682 47521 236
College, university, PhD, DLA1 6041562 332126452 77456 163568 50942 693
Budapest5395753645349 11539 986341 07231 604
Pest9582286426272 0056 520236 3235 693
    Central Hungary1 497791 40071621 11846 506577 39637 297
Fejér58617486895 4313 00581 9841 451
Komárom-Esztergom421123631071 7252 29459 0431 387
Veszprém4878425279 1011 70767 799667
    Central Transdanubia1 494371 27420246 2577 006208 8273 506
Gyor-Moson-Sopron4941539613117 3234 03994 7995 299
Vas422123451255 8132 26649 9482 549
Zala4083329465 29340051 581824
    Western Transdanubia1 324301 07029238 4286 705196 3288 672
Baranya45010414270 4822 61264 281826
Somogy3221272351 15830843 204360
Tolna3144265445 4921 05037 888572
    Southern Transdanubia1 086159519167 1303 969145 3721 758
    Transdanubia3 904823 29558651 81617 680550 52813 936
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén9311481612134 9401 443114 6981 597
Heves4625383957 62674851 2881 442
Nógrád3202254142 16815034 98684
    Northern Hungary1 713211 45322234 7332 340200 9733 124
Hajdú-Bihar5871449510111 7274 45994 6343 223
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok4854390580 60167165 140817
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg836474313118 239656101 4672 217
    Northern Great Plain1 908221 62828310 5675 786261 2416 258
Bács-Kiskun71576528102 5571 61785 1231 028
Békés4104374268 19171660 333342
Csongrád350153261978 4133 23170 5624 209
    Southern Great Plain1 475261 35229249 1615 564216 0185 579
    Great Plain and Northern Hungary5 096694 43379794 46113 690678 23214 961
administrative classification of the residence
Capital5395753645349 11539 986341 07231 604
Town with county rights1 331501 28645381 21415 510357 53415 200
Other town3 345582 98260614 39313 707533 08810 757
Village5 282654 32458722 6768 674574 4618 633
marital status
Never married4 431812 52252894 53628 626558 63719 925
Married5 1931364 835128999 42143 865911 38839 678
Widowed, divorced873131 77128173 4385 385336 1326 591

Concepts used in the supplementary survey

Teleworker: an employee who regularly or occasionally performs work at a location other than his or her place of work using information and telecommunications equipment. Our survey distinguishes two groups of teleworkers:

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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