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9.1. Trade unions, strike events

(supplementary survey of the Labour Force Survey on "Quality of work", Q2 2015)

A supplementary survey called "Quality of work" was linked again to the Labour Force Survey, Q2 2015 which was carried out on the selected sample of households of the basic survey at the same time.

The aim of the survey was the complex examination of the quality of employment among workers aged 15–64. The questions related to trade unions and strike events were asked in this group of employees.

2.4% of the respondents aged 15–64 who answered the basic survey did not answer the supplementary survey Q2 2015.

The performance and non-performance rates of the supplementary survey "Quality of work", Q2 2015

Denomination It concerns the respondent Performance rate Non-performance rate
and was answered but wasn't answered total
persons %
Total4 066 602100 6184 167 22097.62.4
Employment status
employee3 636 75389 9543 726 70797.62.4
not employee426 09410 542436 63697.62.4
male2 205 93654 8212 260 75797.62.4
female1 860 66645 7981 906 46497.62.4
Age group
15–24272 7024 927277 62998.21.8
25–543 187 46880 3343 267 80297.52.5
55–64606 43215 357621 78997.52.5
Highest level of education
primary476 0536 406482 45998.71.3
secondary2 498 04156 4402 554 48197.82.2
tertiary1 092 50637 7721 130 27896.73.3

39.3% of the answered interviews were answered by a third person – other member of the family.

The proxy-interviews' rate of the supplementary survey "Quality of work", Q2 2015

Denomination Personally answered Proxy-interviews Total Proxy-interview rate
persons %
Total2 469 3951 597 2064 066 60139.3
Employment status
employee2 208 2921 428 4613 636 75339.3
not employee259 817166 278426 09539.0
male1 140 1481 065 7882 205 93648.3
female1 329 247531 4181 860 66528.6
Age group
15–24121 934150 768272 70255.3
25–541 953 0201 234 4483 187 46838.7
55–64394 442211 990606 43235.0
Highest level of education
primary281 614194 440476 05440.8
secondary1 501 196996 8452 498 04139.9
tertiary686 585405 9221 092 50737.2

It can be some difference between the same aggregates of the published absolute numbers due to the weighting and summing up. The evaluation of the distribution ratios was made electronically - without individual correction, so the sum of partial data is not always equal the displayed rounded value of the aggregated data.

The following questions of the questionnaire were linked to the part "Trade unions, strike events":

22. Is there a trade union at your workplace?

23. Are you a member of a trade union?

24. Is there a works council/public employee council or a shop steward at your workplace elected by the employees?

This is an elected organization or person, by which/whom the community of workers can exercise participation rights in labour issues.

25. Is there a safety officer at your workplace elected by the employees?

The safety officer has daily contact with the workers. He/she represents the rights of the employees for the safe and healthy working environments. His/her activity is an important link between the labour safety committee and the workers.

26. Is there a valid collective agreement at your workplace between the trade union and the employer(s)?

Collective agreement can be concluded on the one hand by the employer, the employer's representative bodies, and on the other hand by the trade union or more trade unions.

27. Does the collective agreement between the trade union and the employer(s) affect your wage/salary directly?

28. Does the collective agreement between the trade union and the employer(s) affect your working schedule, working circumstances or any other conditions of employment directly?

29. Did any strike events happen at your workplace in 2014?

Please ignore the threat of a strike event! Please take into account just the actually realized strike events initiated by the workers, which were organized to enforce the fulfilment of any claim or to express their resistance against something. Please answer the question irrespective of the length of the strike event.

30. How long did you not work because of strike events in 2014?

By this question please consider only strike events, on which at least 10 persons participated and which took at least 2 hours.

The weighted data and sample size of the questions related to "Trade unions, strike events" of the supplementary survey "Quality of work", Q2 2015

Denomination Male Female Total
weighted data sample weighted data sample weighted data sample
Total1 918 79811 0831 717 9559 9183 647 83621 001
Trade union at the workplace
yes453 8612 469459 1712 477915 5014 946
no1 210 1017 2101 060 4066 3452 277 71713 555
cannot say254 8361 404198 3781 096454 6182 500
Trade union membership
yes168 819945160 009906329 7731 851
no1 708 0509 9211 523 0058 8233 240 97618 744
cannot say41 92821734 94018977 085406
Works council at the workplace
yes337 8521 897313 6521 733653 4013 630
no1 206 1607 1611 104 7996 5452 318 12013 706
cannot say374 7872 025299 5031 640676 3153 665
Safety officer at the workplace
yes561 2893 183504 2302 8271 068 7026 010
no1 003 7835 964931 7085 5511 941 45511 515
cannot say353 7271 936282 0171 540637 6803 476
Collective agreement at the workplace
yes372 9641 939376 9061 941751 8093 880
no1 099 7986 594983 9155 9202 090 30712 514
cannot say446 0372 550357 1332 057805 7204 607
The collective agreement influences the salary/wage
yes214 5871 197211 6731 161427 4572 358
no113 173528129 849586243 5501 114
cannot say45 20421435 38419480 802408
The collective agreement influences the working conditions
yes209 6901 158210 7221 139421 5702 297
no123 541583132 183614256 3071 197
cannot say39 73219834 00218873 932386
Strike event at the workplace in 2014
yes4 377188 1013512 49653
no1 862 06510 7641 670 2819 6533 543 11020 417
cannot say52 35630139 57223092 229531

2.1. Methodology of labour market
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