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Goods transport: Quantity of goods transported: the weight of goods loaded onto transport vehicles and carried by them in tons, including besides the net weight of goods the packaging materials, the containers used for transport, the weight of loading pallets and containers, too. Freight tonne kilometre: one freight tonne km is equal to the transport of one tonne of goods to a distance of one kilometre.
Freight tonne kilometre: one freight tonne km is equal to the transport of one tonne of goods to a distance of one kilometre.

Passenger transport: Number of passengers transported: the number of passengers getting onto traffic vehicles, and being transported. Passenger kilometre: the transport of a passenger to a distance of one kilometre. Interurban passenger transport: passenger transport among towns and villages, including the international traffic, too. Urban passenger transport: transport of passengers entirely or partly within a town or a village.

Data of goods transport include the transport performances of undertakings listed to rail transport, other land transport, water transport (excluding ferry transport), air transport sectors, as well as transport via pipeline, where the extra-sectorial activity (MOL Ltd) is also taken into account.

Scope of observed enterprises: Till 1994 data were collected from enterprises with 50 or more employees, and since 1995 enterprises with 50 or more employees are observed on full-scope, while those with less than 50 employees are observed on a representative basis. The representative sample was assigned by stratified sampling, and figures were grossed up by the number of active enterprises. Owing to the change in the scope of observation, figures before 1995 are not comparable with the data of 1995 and thereafter.
From 1998 the survey on transport performances is full-scope for the enterprises operating in the transport sector, except for road goods transport. The data on road goods transport in tables 4.6.1.–4.6.3. cover the transport service performances and the transport activity on own account by goods road motor vehicles (with loading capacity of 1 tonne or over) of enterprises and sole proprietors listed to the transport divisions. In tables 4.6.4.–4.6.7. road transport performances of enterprises and sole proprietors operating in and out transport divisions are also taken into account. The survey is representative and based on stratified random sampling. Data are grossed up by the number of registered goods road motor vehicles.

As from 2002 the data of road goods transport – in compliance with the Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/1998 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road – include the transport service performances and the transport activity on own account by goods road motor vehicles (with loading capacity of 3.5 tonnes or over) of the enterprises and sole proprietors operating in and outside of transport sector. In 2012 the Council Regulation (EC) No 1172/1998 was repealed, the Regulation (EU) No 70/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council entered into force instead.

As from 2004 the data of rail goods transport – in compliance with the Regulation (EC) No 91/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on rail transport statistics as well as with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 1192/2003 as its amendment – include the transport performances of railway undertakings having licence for the performance of rail transport services on rail network of Hungary except for those which operate within industrial and similar installations, as well as which mainly provide tourist services.

The data of transport of goods by inland waterways – in compliance with the Regulation No 1365/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by inland waterways – include the goods transport performances of Hungarian and foreign vessels on the Hungarian section of inland waterways. According to the Directive data do not include the goods transport performances connected with dredging activity on inland waterways. The calculation of freight tonne-kilometre performance is based on the multiplication of the quantity of goods transported by the distance travelled on the Hungarian section of inland waterways.

4.6.8.–4.6.13. tables contain data of port traffic, i.e. how many and what kind of goods were loaded and unloaded in Hungarian inland ports. The content of this six tables is not the same dataset as the one published in Statistical reflections "Transport performances and road traffic accidents", in other Stadat table, in the Hungarian Statistical Yearbook and datasets sent to Eurostat. Data released in the listed publications are published in accordance with the European Union's statistical regulations of inland waterway transport: these contain the amount of goods transported on the Hungarian section of inland waters by ships with deadweight greater than 50 tonnes excluding bunker oil., i.e. the shipment of vessels used for taking or storing fuel. In inland traffic statistics of ports the same cargo is listed twice (both in the loading port and in the unloading port in Hungary), and bunker oil is also included in this dataset.

Data of passenger transport include the transport performances of undertakings listed to rail transport, other land transport, water transport (excluding ferry transport) and air transport sectors.

Scope of observed enterprises: Till 1994 data were collected from enterprises with 50 or more employees, and since 1995 enterprises with 50 or more employees are observed on full-scope, while those with less than 50 employees are observed on a representative basis. The representative sample was assigned by stratified sampling, and figures were grossed up by the number of active enterprises. Owing to the change in the scope of observation, figures before 1995 are not comparable with the data of 1995 and thereafter.
From 1998 the survey on transport performances is full-scope for the enterprises operating in the transport sector. Until 2010 the survey on road passenger transport was full-scope for the enterprises employing at least 2 persons, from 2011 for the enterprises employing at least 5 persons. The inland water passenger transport was full-scope until 2013, from 2014 it is covered for the selected enterprises.

National public roads: roads connected to the overall public road network through which the interurban transport takes place. Public road sections passing through villages or towns are also included.

Stock of passenger cars: road vehicles having register plates, excluding vehicles of military forces.

During September–December 1998 the Data Processing Office of Ministry of Interior revised their registration regarding the previously finally deregistrated vehicles.

Source of data: National Development, Public Roads Company Non-profit Ltd., Central Office for Administrative and Electronic Public Services.

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