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Retail network

Retail shop: a unit selling retail products mainly to households.

Source of data on retail shops: a municipal records based statistical register in accordance with government decree 210/2009. (IX. 29) on 'the conditions governing commercial activities' regulating the operation of shops until June 2009 and thereafter setting out rules for commercial activities. Pharmacies and from 1 July 2013 onwards tobacco distribution providers are not subject to this regulation.

Source of data on human pharmacies: administrative data taken over from the Ministry regulating the operation of pharmacies. Data include the number of institutional pharmacies selling prescription drugs.

Source of data on national tobacco shops: full-scale datasets taken over from the National Tobacco Trading Nonprofit Company since 1 July 2013. Nationwide data on the retail network exclude specialized tobacco shops therefore the data on retail network have only a limited comparability with the data of previous years.

Data on the number of retail shops include units at the end of the reference period. The frequency of the data collection has been changed from quarterly to half yearly since 2007. As a result of an amendment in 2009, it is not possible to publish data as of 31 December 2009 and 30 June 2010.

Type of shop: main statistical activity of a shop subject to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities.

Sales space of retail shops: : real (or estimated) area of the sales facility to sell and display (in m2). Floor space data are fundamentally based on municipal data and partially on estimated data.

Legal form: classification of enterprises operating retail shops according to the current classification of HCSO.

Human pharmacy: shops providing a direct and full supply of medicines for the people. STADAT table contains data on human pharmacies.

Shopping centre: such architecturally integrated, purpose-built and -designed, jointly operated retail complex, which is an organic unit of different type and size of shops, service (e.g. catering) and leisure facilities (cinema, sporting units etc.) providing services for a given attraction area. Specialized shopping centres are also included. In the practice of several countries shopping centres have a lower limit of 10 thousand square meters of floor area. Taking into account domestic characteristics, units with minimum 5 thousand square meters being in line with the definition are also considered as shopping centres.

Detached hypermarkets or specialized stores with a large floor area as well as those with only some closely related, complementary retail, hospitality or service units with a small floor area (e.g., Interspar food stores, IKEA) are not shopping centres.

Department stores of the former period (e.g. Corvin, Skála) are also excluded.

Hypermarket: is a self-service retail outlet offering a wide range of food products and industrial goods with a trading area of at least 3,000 square meters, usually with an own parking area. Wholesale warehouses (e.g. METRO) are not classified among hypermarkets.

Retail trade turnover by commodity groups

Retail sales by commodity groups: data on the quarterly sales of enterprises with retail activity by commodity structure. Turnover statistics by commodity groups are based on a representative data collection and administrative data (tobacco, Online cash registers, VAT). For the estimation of data we use aggregated data of retail shops produced according to the new methodology as well, so from January 2019 data also include market and other non-store retail sales.

The source of sales data for the tobacco commodity group – in accordance with the sales data of specialized shops of tobacco products – is the comprehensive tobacco sales dataset taken over from the National Tobacco Trading Non-profit Company from 1 July 2013, therefore the period-on-period comparability of data is limited in the tobacco commodity group and in total retail sales by commodity group.

Retail trade turnover by type of shops

Retail trade turnover: sales of goods at consumer prices in the retail network. Sales statistics of retail trade are based on a representative data collection on retailing activities and administrative data (tobacco, Online cash register-OPG, VAT). Retail trade statistics cover all retail shops, pharmacies as well as mail order networks. (The survey does not cover sales in markets and at street vendors.)

Under EU Regulation 2019/2152 on European Business Statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics and 2020/1197 on implementation thereof, from 2021, retail sales should include retail sales via stalls and markets1 (TEÁOR'08 47.8) and other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets (47.99), within the non-food group. For comparability, data on market and other non-store retail sales are available at current prices from 2019, while volume index data are available from 2020 onwards.

Sales data of retail shops and household consumption data measured within the framework of the Household Budget and Living Conditions Survey (HBLCS) may differ from each other due to methodological reasons. While data on micro level household expenditures derive from a voluntary data collection based on the self-declaration of the observed households and cover such products and services which can only be interpreted at the level of households, retail sales data can only be interpreted as product sales, which, beyond household consumption, include, among other things, the purchases of foreign tourists and those living along the borders as well. Place of residence and place of shopping of the population may also differ from each other, which in respect of the territorial indicators of consumption may lead to further discrepancies.

Type of retail shops: main statistical activity of shops. Estimations are calculated in accordance with the activity groups specified in Council Regulation No. 1165/98 of the European Union.

Source of the sales data of specialized tobacco stores: full-scale data of the National Tobacco Trading Non-profit Company since July 2013, therefore the period-on-period comparability of retail sales data is limited.

Unadjusted volume index of retail trade turnover: changes in retail sales at current prices by filtering out price changes.

Seasonally and calendar-adjusted volume index: The Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) is using JDemetra+ as the new standard software for seasonal adjustments starting from the first publication of seasonally adjusted data in 2017. The software change does not affect the used seasonal adjustment method (TRAMO/SEATS) and the standardized procedure of HCSO for producing seasonally adjusted data. The change does not influence the applicability, the interpretation and the dissemination of seasonally adjusted data. The software change induces revisions of adjusted data but it does not cause breaks in time series.

Seasonally adjusted data may be corrected retrospectively along with incoming time series data.

Calendar-adjusted volume index: the value of retail sales volumes adjusted for working day, holiday, Easter and leap day effects. If the time series are expanded, the calendar-adjusted data may change retrospectively.

Methodological source: First releases on Retail trade.

More information is available from the Meta database:

1 Subsector 47.8 TEÁOR'08 does not include retail sales of stores on the market and retail sales of primary agricultural producers.
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