Published on: 30 May 2024

In April, 6,139 children are born and 9,396 people lose their lives

According to preliminary data, 6,139 children were born and 9,396 people died in April 2024. The number of births lessened by 3.9%, that of deaths by 10%, while marriages increased by 6.4% compared to April 2023.

In April 2024:

A total of 6,139 children were born, 3.9% or 250 fewer than in April 2023.

9,396 people lost their lives, 10% or 1,060 fewer than a year earlier.

The natural decrease was 3,257, as opposed to 4,067 in April 2023.

3,688 couples got married, which was 6.4% or 223 more than in April 2023.

In January–April 2024:

25,468 children were born, 2,188 or 7.9% less than in January–April 2023. Within this, the number of live births was 9.1% less in January–March and 3.9% less in April than in the same months of 2023.

The total fertility rate was estimated at 1.37 per female, which was 1.48 a year earlier.

There were 43,098 deaths, 5.0% less or 2,270 fewer than one year earlier. Compared to the same periods of the previous year, 1.8% more people died in January and 0.1% more in February, while 11% less people deceased in March–April.

Due to the balance of births and deaths, the natural decrease was 17,630 people, which was 0.5% less than the value of 17,712 for January–April 2023.

10,757 couples got married, 11% or 1,037 more than a year earlier. 28% more marriages were registered in January–February, 6.4% more in April, but 1.8% less in March than in the corresponding months of 2023.

There were 8.0 live births and 13.6 deaths per thousand population. The rate of live births was 0.7 per mille points and that of deaths 0.8 per mille points lower than in January–April 2023, as a result of which the rate of natural decrease was almost identical to that of the previous period, 5.6 per mille. The number of infant deaths was 4.2 per thousand live births, which was 1.5 per mille points more compared to the same period of the previous year. The marriage rate was 3.4 per mille, 0.3 per mille points higher than a year earlier.

Main data on vital events, January–April 2024

Vital events Number Change compared to the same period of the previous year, % Per thousand populationa) Change compared to the same period of the previous year, %
Live births25 468–7.98.0–8.3
Deaths43 098–5.013.6–5.4
Infant deaths10645.24.2b)57.7
Natural increase/decrease–17 630–0.5–5.6–0.9
Marriages10 75710.73.410.2

a) The rates refer to the whole of the year in order to ensure comparability.
b) Per thousand live births.

Between May 2023 and April 2024:

83,012 children were born, 7.6% or 6,873 fewer than in the previous twelve months.

There were 125,930 deaths, 4.9% or 6,461 fewer than in the previous twelve months.

51,187 couples got married, 12% or 7,211 fewer than in the previous twelve months.