Last update: 23 May 2024

Mid-year investment statistics take into consideration the establishing and purchasing of new tangible assets; the expansion, alteration, renovation of existing assets, as well as all related expenses incurred up until the assets are put into operation.

Mid-year investment data are summed up partly of full-scope (enterprises with more than 49 employees and budgetary units and entities irrespective of the number of employees), partly of representative observations (5–49 persons) partly of expert estimations (of dwelling investments mostly). The representative observation is based on stratified sampling and it is the multiplication of the sample mean by the sample size for the various strata.

We estimated dwelling investments based on the floor space of the new dwellings brought into use. Value data were calculated based on the average price per square metre. For the estimation of other constructions and renovations (holiday house, garage, fence, etc.) the trends of previous years were taken into consideration.

Performance value is the fulfilment of investments according to the contract, regardless whether the counter value has been settled or not. The performance value of investments includes the non-deductible VAT, too.

Data suppliers may modify their own data subsequently, therefore, in the possession of the latest information we correct data retroactively, so they may differ from the previously published ones. In case of mid-year data, revisions are carried out in the fourth quarter of the year following the fourth reference quarter. Time series are revised subsequently during the publication of reference-period data.

Seasonal adjustments are carried out with TRAMO-SEATS method using DEMETRA software. Seasonally and working-day adjusted data may vary quarter by quarter in respect to the total time series. More »

Deflation of investment data is carried out with the division-level indices of quarterly investments prices which take into consideration the technicalities of the given division.

For further reference see metainformation of investment statistics.